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Can barristers have great careers outside London?

25 Jan 2023, 13:38

Don't think you have to live in London to have a successful graduate career as a barrister. There are pupillage and tenancy vacancies offering high quality work all over the country.

Nighttime view of the illuminated Gateshead Millennium Bridge and modern buildings along the riverbank.

Working outside London shouldn't slow your career down – in fact, it can accelerate it. There are solicitors' firms all over the country who need to instruct barristers, many of which will prefer to select someone based in the area rather than paying for a barrister to travel out from London.

There's a common misconception amongst students that if you want to forge a successful career as a barrister you've got to head for London. True, a substantial proportion of the country's sets are based there but there are highly successful chambers located throughout England and Wales. Scotland has a separate legal system.

Differences between sets

There's no clear line to be drawn between chambers within London and those outside but there are some broad differences. Sets in the regions tend to have fairly broad practice bases, often undertaking criminal law, commercial law and common law work; in contrast, whereas there are some generalist sets in London, many are focused in a particular direction. If you want to work for an exclusively commercial law set, or for one with only one or two specialisms, most of them are based in London.

Speed of progression for barristers outside London

Working outside London shouldn't slow your career down – in fact, it can accelerate it. There are solicitors' firms all over the country who need to instruct barristers, many of which will prefer to select someone based in the area rather than paying for a barrister to travel out from London. The fact that there are relatively fewer barristers in the regions to do this work may mean that you get your hands on more complex cases earlier in your career.

Barristers' earnings outside London

On average, pupillage awards are higher in London. However, this is partly because of the purely commercial sets based there, who pay very substantial sums. When you compare like with like you'll find that there's not a great deal of difference – and remember that the cost of living will be lower outside London. Once you're a tenant there's no reason why you shouldn't earn as much or more than London-based barristers doing similar work.

Sets' locations outside London

England and Wales are divided into six 'circuits' on which barristers work: Midland, North Eastern, Northern, South Eastern, Wales & Chester, and Western. You'll tend to work in the courts of whichever circuit your chambers is based in, although this isn't a hard-and-fast rule. Most sets are found in major cities, although a number of smaller cities and large towns also have one or two.

Time spent travelling

Travelling the circuit can be time-consuming but that'll be the case wherever you're based – London is part of the South Eastern circuit so even in you're based in the capital you're likely to be sent to courts further afield. And if you work outside London you're likely to be able to afford to live closer to chambers, ensuring that when you're not in court your commute is a short one.

Training for barristers based outside London

You don't have to go to your Inn of Court to attend training – the circuits run the compulsory advocacy and advice to counsel courses, which you must complete during pupillage, and also the New Practitioners' Programme for your first three years in practice. The circuits also organise further training, conferences and social events so you'll be able to meet barristers from other chambers in your area. You can get further information about continuing professional development for newly qualified barristers from the Bar Standards Board.

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