Centre for Cell Biology, University of Edinburgh Logo

Centre for Cell Biology, University of Edinburgh |

Feature image Centre for Cell Biology, University of Edinburgh
Employees: 51 to 250

The Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology (WTCCB) is one of fifteen UK-based Wellcome Trust funded Centres, three of which are in Scotland

The Centre for Cell Biology (WCB) at The University of Edinburgh .

Our mission is to play a significant part of the scientific global endeavour aimed at understanding living systems at the molecular level, making discoveries that advance knowledge of normal and abnormal cell function. We currently specialise in the following areas: 1) the synthesis, processing, localisation and degradation of RNA; 2) epigenetic control of chromosome function; 3) mechanisms of cell growth & duplication; 4) the rules that govern cellular architecture.

The centre supports The Wellcome Four Year PhD Programme in Integrative Cell Mechanisms (iCM) to train the next generation of cell and molecular biologists in the application of quantitative methods to understand the inner workings of distinct cell types in different settings.

We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive research environment.

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  • Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship in Integrated Cell Mechanisms

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