Job offers and working life
Welcome to the world of work
We’re guessing you’ve come to our job offers and working life careers advice because you’ve heard back about a job application or interview. Maybe you’re here because you’re receiving so many job offers that you don’t know what to do with yourself. Maybe you’re here because you’ve had some disheartening news about your application and are feeling the sting of rejection. Or maybe you’re here because you are about to start your graduate job and have questions about your employment contract or want to make the best impression. Whatever your reasons, we have got the tips and email templates to help you out: we take you through how to accept or decline an offer, juggle multiple offers, pick yourself up after being rejected, negotiate a starting salary and more. But if you're still in the job hunting stage, you can search for them here.
TRENDING IN Job offers and working life
Responding to good and bad news
Acceptance and rejection
To accept or not accept?
Receiving a job offer or, better yet, multiple job offers is not a bad position to be in. But it can be overwhelming. You want to make sure you’re making the right decision and also being professional when accepting and declining. Luckily, we’ve got the advice to help you out – including templates to guide your responses.

The art of negotiation
Negotiating pay
Did you know that you can negotiate a different starting salary for your graduate job? This isn’t true in every case, but there are definitely times when you can. Read our advice on negotiating a salary for your graduate job to clue yourself up on exactly when you should, why you should and how you should. You also want to make sure you understand ‘salary jargon’ and be clear about what you’re earning, what you’re entitled to and what your payslip is really saying. Our article on ’What is gross pay?’ and other questions about salary benefits and incentives provides a glossary of pay-related terminology, so you’ll be completely up to speed on what everything means.

Know what you’re signing up for
Your employment rights
When you do receive the good news that you’ve landed your first graduate job, you’ll probably be full steam ahead and wanting to get stuck in. You might even be starting to think about what outfit you need to put in the wash to wear on your first day. But let’s pause for a second. Do you fully understand what you are agreeing to when you accept a graduate job offer? Do you understand the typical terms of a graduate employment contract? (Or what an employment contract even is?) It’s always a good idea to familiarise yourself with all the legal and important bits of your employment before you start to avoid any nasty surprises.
Entering the working world
Your first job
Ways of working
Whether you’re thinking of taking a job with a hybrid work split, or literally packing up your whole life and moving somewhere else for a job, there are pros and cons to both ways of working. So, before you start packing your socks and house plants, or setting up a home-office at the kitchen table, consider some of the logistics.

What is your next move?
When to move on
Getting your first job and joining the working world is an exciting time. But what if after a few weeks you begin to feel restless or even that you are in the wrong job? It’s natural to be looking for your next move even if you have found your perfect job fit and even more so if you think that the role just isn’t for you. Whichever situation you’re in, our advice covers everything you need to know about how long you should stay in your first job.
More careers advice
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CVs, applications and tests
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Career ideas
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Finding a job
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Completing an internship allows you to sharpen your skills, improve your CV, prepare for the world of work and potentially land yourself a graduate job. Discover what internships actually involve, how to apply for them and how to make the most of them.
Interviews and assessment centres
You impressed on paper; now it’s time to show the employer in person that you’re the right hire. Learn how to do this with our expert advice for answering interview questions, developing interview techniques and acing assessment centre exercises.
Job descriptions
Discover the qualifications, skills and experience you’ll need for more than 300 job roles and find one you’ll love.
Job offers and working life
Job offers, rejection emails and stepping into the working world with your first graduate job can pull you in a million directions. Fortunately, we’ve curated advice on how to accept job offers, bounce back from rejection and make an impact in your first job.
Skills for getting a job
Discover the skills that major graduate employers seek and how you can demonstrate them on your application form, and at interviews and assessment centres.
University life
Wanting to leave uni with a degree is a given. But what do you want from the other bits of student life? Discover how to combine study, rest, work and play with our insights from students and graduates.
advice by sector