Joanna Harris
Careers Adviser , Cardiff University
About Joanna Harris
Joanna has been a Careers Adviser at Cardiff University since 2016, working within a team of Advisers supporting schools and central university provision with careers appointments, teaching and strategic planning towards the work of Student Futures. Student Futures supports students with their careers and employability, including spending time abroad, enterprise and entrepreneurship, work experience and employer engagement. In 2024 Joanna achieved the status of Fellow (FHEA) in recognition of attainment against the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning support in higher education. Formalising her teaching experience and building on her 2014 Preparing to Teach qualification and sports coaching experience. Joanna has been a Careers Adviser since 2011, achieving an OCR Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development and NVQ 4 Advice and Guidance. As a Careers Adviser Joanna has delivered information, advice, guidance and coaching to a wide range of people, including secondary education (Key Stages 3-4); further education, including mature students, ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) learners and NEET (not in education, employment or training) young people aged 16-18, unemployed adults; and currently higher education, including students with additional learning needs, students from socio-economically deprived and educationally disadvantaged backgrounds, and international students. Joanna is a member of the GW4 international task group, has previously been a member of the AGCAS Cymru Advice and Guidance Task Group and AGCAS Internationalisation Task Group. Joanna is currently covering maternity on the AGCAS Teaching and Related Professions Task Group, updating teaching resources for Wales.