Explore all graduate advice and guidance on targetjobs

Careers event tips: what to wear and how to prepare
Here are our top tips for students and graduates on how to dress to meet employers at university recruiter events, networking sessions and career fairs.

Five minutes with... Erin Hitchens, barrister at XXIV Old Buildings
Erin Hitchens, a barrister specialising in commercial chancery law, shares her thoughts on how to impress pupillage committees in applications and interviews.

How does Frontline differ from other routes into social work?
Frontline is a graduate programme based around social work. Find out about its aims and recruitment process, check out the financial support available and get tips on your application from Frontline's CEO and recruitment director.

Working in the United Arab Emirates
UK graduates who want to work in the UAE could consider looking for a job with a multinational company that has offices there, and will benefit from tax-free earnings.

How to make the most of your investment banking internship
You have landed the internship that you had been working towards since your first year. Well done! But what’s the best way to ensure that your placement leads to career success? Here are the questions you should be considering.

Working in South Korea
You’ll need a work visa to get a job in South Korea. Find out how to increase your chances of applying successfully to work in South Korea.

Working in the US
There are plenty of opportunities for work experience and internships in the US, but non-citizens will find it tough to secure graduate jobs.

Ten practical tips to remember on the day of your law interview
Don’t let nerves or lack of preparation jeopardise your chances of getting a training contract or vacation scheme with a solicitors’ firm. Use our list of tips before heading off for your law interview or assessment centre.

Four ways you can prepare for your investment banking internship
You’ve been accepted onto an internship at an investment bank, so now a whole new task lies in front of you: preparation. What should you do before you start your internship to give yourself the best chance of securing a full-time job later on?

How to network your way into an investment banking job
The infamous ‘British reserve’ means that networking is one of the most underused skills when it comes to graduate job hunting. What can you do to make sure you’re socialising enough (face to face or virtually)?

Working in New Zealand
You may need to have a job secured before you travel, but New Zealand welcomes graduates seeking a short-term working holiday or a longer-term job filling one of the country’s skills shortages.

Graduate assessment centre etiquette: handling the social side
The social aspects of assessment centres, such as lunch or coffee breaks, can cause anxiety. Here's how to chat to graduate recruiters while coping with canapés.