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National Audit Office (NAO) |

Advice featuring National Audit Office (NAO)

Placeholder image for Fran Green, Audit Associate

Fran Green, Audit Associate

Public sector accounting + 1
Placeholder image for Steven Doran, Audit Associate

Steven Doran, Audit Associate

Accounting & finance + 1
Placeholder image for Meet Gemma from the National Audit Office

Meet Gemma from the National Audit Office


Read about Gemma's study and career timeline that took her from A Levels to Senior Audit Manager

Accounting & finance
Placeholder image for The National Audit Office graduate scheme: seven application and interview top tips

The National Audit Office graduate scheme: seven application and interview top tips


Want to know how to succeed at the NAO’s online application, telephone interview and digital assessment centre? Graduate recruiter Zoe Galang shares her advice.

Public sector accounting + 1
Featured image for Accountancy salaries and benefits for graduates

Accountancy salaries and benefits for graduates


Find out the salaries and benefits that accounting firms are offering graduates in 2022 and 2023.

Accounting & finance + 3
Featured image for Auditor: job description

Auditor: job description

Job descriptions and industry overviews

Auditors inspect organisations’ financial accounts to ensure they’re correct and comply with the law.

Accounting & finance
Placeholder image for What is the recruitment process for a graduate job or scheme?

What is the recruitment process for a graduate job or scheme?

Job hunting tips

Discover what to expect in the recruitment process for a structured graduate programme or individual graduate job and learn how to succeed in your applications and interviews.

Featured image for What are the best paying jobs for graduates?

What are the best paying jobs for graduates?

Careers advice and planning

Find out the UK’s average graduate salary, the highest paying graduate jobs and how your degree discipline could affect your earning potential.

Accounting & finance + 10