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Why and when to apply for vacation schemes in law firms

Vacation schemes and work experience

It is possible to get a training contract without experiencing a vacation scheme first but a vac placement is one of the easiest ways to show your commitment to law and that you've done your research before applying.

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Thumbnail image for Which law firms will fund your SQE preparation, LPC and PGDL course fees and pay maintenance costs?

Which law firms will fund your SQE preparation, LPC and PGDL course fees and pay maintenance costs?

Training and progression

Do law firms really pay for the SQE and the other routes to qualify as a solicitor? Yes, many do. We list the top firms offering sponsorship for your postgraduate law studies from 2024 onwards and also point to other sources of funding, including scholarships and loans.

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Placeholder image for Five minutes with... Samantha Hope, graduate recruitment manager at Shoosmiths

Five minutes with... Samantha Hope, graduate recruitment manager at Shoosmiths

Careers advice and planning

Samantha studied law at De Montfort University, including a year out working in HR in the medical industry. Combining her experiences, she is now the graduate recruitment manager at national law firm Shoosmiths.

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Placeholder image for Why and when to apply for vacation schemes in law firms

Why and when to apply for vacation schemes in law firms

Vacation schemes and work experience

It is possible to get a training contract without experiencing a vacation scheme first but a vac placement is one of the easiest ways to show your commitment to law and that you've done your research before applying.

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