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Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) |

Advice featuring Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)

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From Maths Grad to Analyst, Meet Stella


Evolving from graduate to Dstl analyst, straight into developing herself and supporting others. Stella now leads our new starters support network.

Charity, public & civil service + 3
Placeholder image for Defence IT: graduate area of work

Defence IT: graduate area of work

Job descriptions and industry overviews

In defence IT, professionals work on projects that aim to protect the security, independence and interests of the UK.

Technology + 10
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Which engineering employers accept graduates with 2.2 degrees?


Worried you won’t achieve a 2.1? Never fear – there are numerous engineering employers who recruit engineers with 2.2s for their graduate schemes.

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Graduate engineering salary round up


Discover what a typical graduate engineer salary is, how much the top graduate schemes pay and the benefits, perks and bonuses offered by engineering companies.

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Top female engineers give students their tips for graduate career success

Diversity, equality and inclusion

Here are the most useful careers hints and tips we heard at targetjobs’ Future Female Engineers networking event, from seeking out role models to being confident.
