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Advice featuring Newton Europe Ltd

Working as a consultant: what to expect at Newton Europe
Alex Gordon Lennox, a senior consultant at Newton Europe, chats to us about secondments, marathons, work/life balance and assessment days at Newton Europe. He also offers his advice for students looking for graduate jobs in consulting.

What salary can a graduate consultant expect?
Discover how much graduate consultants, analysts and associates get paid and get a sense of what benefits and bonuses make up the remuneration and compensation package.

Influencing skills: inspiring confidence in others
If a graduate job involves project management, teamwork or working with clients, recruiters are likely to seek influencing skills. But what are influencing skills?

Last-minute interview confidence boost: if you don't feel it, fake it!
We've collected some expert tips in case you need a last-minute confidence boost before your graduate job interview.

What happens at a consulting assessment centre?
Many consulting employers use assessment centres to select the best graduates. Here’s what happens and how you can tick the big box called ‘impressing recruiters’.

What are the best paying jobs for graduates?
Find out the UK’s average graduate salary, the highest paying graduate jobs and how your degree discipline could affect your earning potential.