The RAF is the UK’s aerial, peacekeeping & fighting force. Made up of full-time Regulars & spare-time Reserves, the RAF enforces international law overseas while bringing aid & protection to the victims of Disaster & War. Not just the defender of UK airspace, the RAF also provides search-&-rescue for both military personnel & civilians in times of emergency.
Who we are
No ordinary employer
We look at you differently; a career in the RAF is about discovering your natural talent and working together to find out what makes you happy, productive and brings you the most value in your life. The RAF is full of ordinary folk who come to us often with nothing more than a desire to lead a less ordinary existence.
Further faster
Your success is vital to us. We’re dedicated to your future and you’ll receive basic and specialist training in your field and we’ll be focused on your path throughout your career. Our structure means you’ll be given responsibility from the get-go.
When you need to make sure 200 personnel are fed in less than two hours or you’re responsible for the maintenance of 20 Typhoon jets you’ve got to be able to step up and make it happen.
A modern force
We believe the talents and skills of individuals from different groups makes for a more efficient RAF. We are committed to promoting and developing equality, diversity and inclusion within the Service and we look to recruit those who believe this too. Before your selection interview please read and understand our policy and expectations.
Diversity & Inclusion
Diversity is the ways in which we all differ including (but not limited to) our race, ethnicity, religion, beliefs, physical attributes, disabilities, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic background, life experiences (including marriage, civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity), skills and the way we think and do things.
Inclusion is the action of embracing these differences. It’s about valuing and harnessing people’s unique backgrounds, talents, perspectives and insights for the benefit of individuals and the organisation.
Core Values
Core Values of the Royal Air Force The Royal Air Force Core Values are the beliefs and principles that define who we are.
Our Core Values are:
R – Respect
I – Integrity
S – Service
E – Excellence.
These values help to unify the Royal Air Force and are the bedrock of our Ethos as a warfighting Service
The Royal Air Force Ethos The Royal Air Force Ethos is our distinctive character, spirit and attitude that is necessary to pull together as a team to deliver air and space power, no matter the challenge or the environment. We place Royal Air Force success above self and strive to be courageous in the face of adversity and risk. Sustained by strong leadership at all levels, high professional and personal standards, and a commitment to the well-being of all our colleagues, we are bound by a strong sense of tradition and belonging to an organisation of which we are immensely proud. Effective and consistent leadership throughout the Service is crucial to maintaining our ethos. Every member of the Royal Air Force has the duty and ability to lead, no matter what their rank or position, and has a moral responsibility to live by our core values.
Royal Airforce Cyberspace
The Defence STEM Undergraduate Sponsorship Scheme (DSUS) will pay tuition fees up to £9250, a bursary of £5,000, plus up to £1500 in earnings for 30 days of training each academic year. In return we expect you to join your local University Air Squadron where you will gain unique, hands-on experiences participating in sports, adventurous training, opportunities for flying lessons and summer work placements on RAF Stations.
You must be studying an appropriate Engineering or Computer Science degree. You should apply between September and March, but the sooner the better! You will have to pass a few hurdles such as a medical, fitness test and then attend an Officer selection board at RAF Cranwell.
RAF University Sponsorship
Studying for an Engineering or Computer Science Degree? Want some help with paying for it as well as a guaranteed job when you graduate?