Graduate scheme
Start your journey in Finance
Join our Finance scheme and we’ll offer you a real opportunity to shape services, find efficiencies and develop new ways of working that are better for the NHS and therefore benefit us all.
You’ll develop skills and experience in strategic and operational finance as well as financial and management accounting. No trainee day is ‘typical’, the scale of the NHS means that we have a variety of placement types and locations available. Recent trainees have worked in hospitals, reviewing cost efficiencies of operating theatres and wards – as well as in office locations, working on annual reports and pension planning. You will be given early responsibility on the scheme but also work collaboratively with operational and clinical colleagues, to ensure the financial viability of services.
We will support you to gain a professional finance and accountancy qualification from the Chartered Institute of Public and Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA).
You will study for 12 modules, including Management Accounting and Financial Accounting, Audit and Assurance, Company Financial Reporting and Financial Management, submitting a strategic case study at the end of the scheme.
Alongside your finance qualification, you will be completing the NHS’ Rosalind Franklin Leadership Development Programme which will introduce, develop and harness your leadership style and potential. This programme will be delivered through a blended mix of conference style, virtual workshops and small group learning.
Trainees will also participate in Action Learning Sets and attend a range of conferences throughout the Scheme which will allow them to work and develop together as a group, learning from leading experts within the health and social care sector and further afield.
Teaching is delivered during working hours, but trainees can expect to complete coursework and revision in their own time.
Career path
The Trainees have gone on to succeed in challenging and rewarding careers across the NHS in roles such as finance manager, business analyst, management accountant, pricing analyst and eventually senior management roles include Director of Finance and Business Partner.
We’re looking for leadership potential. To help you achieve yours, every trainee is supported by a:
- Trainee Support Manager from the NHS GMTS team who provides overall holistic and pastoral support for the duration of your time on Scheme.
- Education Officer from the NHS GMTS team who will support you with planning and succeeding in the educational activity you complete outside of placements.
- Placement Manager for each placement you undertake who will be your day-to-day line manager.
- Programme Manager who oversees your development in placement for the whole of the Scheme.
- Buddy who will be able to support you from the experiences they have gained whilst on the Scheme, this is usually a trainee from a previous cohort.
Plus, a range of other NHS GMTS team members, NHS GMTS alumni, academic tutors from the higher education institutions and many more.
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