Meet Jamie, Head of Education

HCPC is a people-focused organisation - having a high performing and well supported team is crucial for us to deliver our public protection duties. There is space for people to develop.


Jamie Hunt

Head of Education

Health & Care Professions Council

In my time at the HCPC, I have been supported to grow in my role, and to take further career steps. This has enabled me to work with a wide range of stakeholders to make a difference in the professions we regulate.

We are values-driven in our work, are our corporate values are the backbone of our strategy. We are on an improvement journey at the HCPC - leaders foster a culture of continuous improvement, and staff at all levels are encouraged to think about how we can do things better.

I remain at HCPC because I believe in the significance of our regulatory role, and I sense that I contribute to the effective fulfilment of that responsibility. Additionally, I appreciate the organisational culture; individuals are amicable, supportive, and recognise the crucial role we collectively play.

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