Meet Rachel from Digital Transformations

A graduate scheme is a great way to get a feel for different areas in NatWest and truly understand what you want to do in your future career. The Digital Transformation scheme has 4 placement rotations, and each of my placements have been in very different areas of the business.


Rachel Neill

NatWest Group

Its been great to broaden my skills and knowledge of NatWest, and prior to the Graduate scheme I had no idea there were so many different areas to the bank.

Also, being a graduate comes with so many opportunities aside from just your day job! There are various graduate councils or employee led networks which allow you to expand your network. I did International Business with Marketing at University, and I was gutted that I wouldn’t be able to do any marketing-focused work due to my graduate scheme being Digital Transformation. However, I am now part of Marketing and Communications graduate council in the Social Media Team which allows me to focus on the Social Media Strategy and create content for the Instagram!

What advice do you have for anyone considering applying?

Spend some time researching NatWest particularly their purpose and their values to see that the company is a right fit for you. You want to work somewhere that will fulfil your personal aspirations and passions rather than it being just a job! I’d also say to spend a lot of time looking into the different Graduate Schemes NatWest offer and make sure you are choosing the right one for you.

As cliché as it is – stay true to yourself!

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