I fell into Logistics by chance and have never looked back.

The thing I love about XPO, is the opportunities and the people. I've always had opportunities put in front of me and great role models who have helped me get to where I am today.


Sabrina Higgins

Training and Development Manager

XPO Logistics

I fell into Logistics by chance and have never looked back.

The thing I love about XPO, is the opportunities and the people. I've always had opportunities put in front of me and great role models who have helped me get to where I am today.

As an alumnus, I am proof that hard work pays off.

My role now includes developing our people, putting in place training and development strategies and supporting individual and team growth.

I have the pleasure of supporting all of our Graduates on programme and our apprentices. Working with the internal and external markets to ensure our people get the very best personal development.

When I was on the Graduate scheme, I had four brilliant placements. Working with large customers, I was able to run two areas of a clothing warehouse, work for a specialised metal company managing four drivers, working for one of the UK's biggest ecomm clothing companies and my fourth placement was as a Transport shift manager for a large DIY brand.

All of these placements gave me what I needed to start a successful career in Logistics. It also gives you time and opportunity to engage with your stakeholders and build long lasting relationships across the business.

Being a graduate means you get a lot of training. I was given Leadership and Management training, safety training and qualifications meaning I could run a transport operation.

As I moved my career on, I've also undertaken further training such as my ADR, security training and a level 5 apprenticeship.

The best part of the Graduate role is the challenge and pace. No day in Logistics is the same, there's always something challenging thrown at you and whilst on placement, you've got the support to face into these and learn from any mistakes made.

There's no bad bit to the Graduate scheme, some find it more difficult being away from home for the first time, but I didn't find that tough as I was away at school.

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