Job descriptions and industry overviews

Charities administrator: job description

21 Jun 2023, 15:37

Administrators work for charities, voluntary and non-profit-making organisations on a variety of communications, financial and human resources tasks.

Volunteer holding clipboard with "VOLUNTEER" t-shirt standing near donation boxes outdoors.

What does a charities administrator do? Typical employers | Qualifications and training | Key skills

Administrators can often be key employees in charities and non-profits. In small organisations, they may have generalist roles, looking after elements of finance, communications and organisation as needed. In larger organisations, they're likely to be part of larger teams and have more specialist roles. Either way, administrators do essential work that keeps charities running.

Specific responsibilities and the amount of contact with volunteers and the public will vary according to the size of the charity: in larger organisations, administrators may be mostly office-based, whereas those working for smaller employers often have frequent contact with volunteers and the public. Common duties include:

  • recruiting, training and managing employees and volunteers
  • financial/accounts administration
  • handling correspondence
  • organising meetings and producing agendas and minutes
  • answering telephone calls
  • contacting potential donors
  • organising social media and other publicity work
  • helping to manage IT systems.

Typical employers of charities administrators

Vacancies are advertised by careers services and on specialist charity sector websites such as Charity Job and Third Sector. Charities don't have large advertising budgets, so look for jobs on social media, local newsletters and other community news sources too.

Opportunities are also advertised by a number of specialist recruitment agencies. Many jobs are only advertised internally, so consider sending speculative applications.

Making speculative applications for graduate jobs

Qualifications and training required

You can become a charities administrator both with or without a degree.

Graduates don’t need to have a specific degree discipline, although a business studies, management or social administration qualification may be helpful. A foundation degree or HND may prove beneficial for school leavers.

However, voluntary and administrative work experience are often valued more highly than academic qualifications. Local charities and volunteer centres can often provide work experience placements. Search for opportunities on their websites, or look at central websites such as Do-It and TimeBank.

Key skills for charity administrators

Recruiters look for candidates who are committed to the organisation's objectives and beneficiaries. Other essential skills and qualities include:

  • administrative skills
  • flexibility
  • the ability to learn quickly and take on tasks outside your skill set
  • willingness to do routine tasks
  • interpersonal skills
  • organisational skills
  • social media and IT skills
  • confidence working with people from diverse backgrounds.

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