Advice featuring AECOM

Meet John, an Apprentice Streets Engineer
What drew you to work at AECOM originally? What would that be now – has it changed?
Before joining AECOM, I had very limited knowledge of the Civil Engineering industry. However, AECOM was a name that I had heard of before and was aware that they were very involved in the Engineering Industry. Now that I have been in the company for around 10 Months, I am much more aware of the many projects and their aims of sustainability in the Engineering World.
What is your role at AECOM?
My role at AECOM is an Apprentice in the Glasgow Streets team. Within the Streets Team, I work on projects relating to designs for Active Travel Infrastructure across Scotland.
How long have you worked for AECOM?
At this point I have been working for AECOM for 10 months now.
What do you like most about working for AECOM?
Opportunities. Simply put since joining AECOM I have had many opportunities to expand my engineering knowledge and experience different working environments (E.g. working on/visiting a site). This also includes working alongside other colleagues who have had varied amounts of knowledge in different disciplines and teams which has allowed me to see how they work and gain some insight into the different disciplines.
How do you use AECOM’s ‘Freedom to Grow’ to give you a good work/life balance?
I live about 1 hour by train away from the office and commuting can sometimes be quite difficult when frequent strikes or cancellations happen. Thanks to Freedom to Grow I am able to work from home when commuting is not possible or when it proves very difficult.
What advice do you have for any prospective candidates?
My advice to a prospective candidate would be to find an area of the industry that they genuinely connect with and feel they could thrive within. Say yes to any and all experience within the job to better your knowledge and understanding as much as they possibly can. Finally, just enjoy it!
Meet Meg, a Streets Engineer
What drew you to work at AECOM originally? What would that be now – has it changed?
After going to university for a year I realised it wasn’t the right route for me and investigated Graduate Apprenticeship programmes. AECOM’s graduate apprenticeship programme was an established route within a worldwide Engineer and Consultancy firm. My perception now has widened, AECOM aims to leave a sustainable legacy which is hugely important to myself and many others. The work I do allows me to deliver sustainable transport solutions all over Scotland which benefits its users.
What is your role at AECOM?
I am a Streets Engineer.
How long have you worked for AECOM?
I have been at AECOM 4 years.
What do you like most about working for AECOM?
The work I do, it allows me to deliver sustainable transport solutions all over Scotland which benefits its users. AECOM welcomes its employees to utilise volunteering time and give back to the communities we work in which is a hugely important aspect in people’s lives, especially my own. Whether that time is used to promote apprenticeships with Skills Development Scotland, introduce STEM in schools or to volunteer at Scouting events across the UK allowing young people to develop skills for life.
How has AECOM helped you in your career development?
AECOM allowed me to start my career at a young age and become independent while I worked and studied as an apprentice. Since then I developed a great understanding of transport regulations and sustainable solutions which will benefit me greatly in the future. I have progressed quickly following completion of my degree becoming an Engineer shortly after finishing, where if I’d followed a traditional route I would just be becoming a Graduate.
How do you use AECOM’s ‘Freedom to Grow’ to give you a good work/life balance?
I utilise freedom to grow to work flexibly, predominantly I work at home and adapt my days to suit me. I often due to my Scout volunteering commitments have at least one shorter working day a week and adjust my hours on other days to accommodate this. Freedom to grow was particularly beneficial while completing my degree as I could work around my coursework.
How do you find hybrid working works for you – what benefits do you get from office working, site working, and home working?
Hybrid working works for me, I go into the office for team days and in person meetings as well as just to catch up with colleagues, but for me on busy days working from home is beneficial. I do also go out to site every couple of months which is nice to have the change of scenery and get some site experience.
What has been your favourite project to work on at AECOM?
I thoroughly enjoyed working on various spaces for people projects in and around Glasgow in 2020. Due to the pandemic more space was required for pedestrians to allow for social distancing, the work had a tight turnaround, but it had a massive impact all across the city, creating spaces that people felt safe in. It’s rewarding to be part of projects that made a difference to my local community.
Thinking about the projects you are involved in - how do you help to improve social outcomes for communities, or how have you contributed to sustainable solutions?
Our day to day work looks to encourage sustainable transport across the country, it is encouraging to see the public perception of cycling changing recently in the current climate crisis.
What’s your proudest moment at AECOM?
I was lucky to be named the Skills Development Scotland Graduate Apprentice of the Year 2022, it was great to feel that all the hard work of my apprenticeship was being recognised.
What have you gained from working at AECOM?
I have a greater appreciation for a good work atmosphere, I am grateful that the team I work with are so welcoming as we all look to help develop each other’s skills and support each other’s work and growth.
What advice do you have for any prospective candidates?
Come in with an open mind, this company puts its time and energy into developing you through your early career.

Meet Beth, a Stakeholder Engagement Consultant
What drew you to work at AECOM originally? What would that be now – has it changed?
I was originally drawn to AECOM due to the range of sectors that AECOM worked on, as well as its global reach; it was an exciting prospect to be part of a company that had global opportunities and wide ranging expertise. It was clear from researching the company that AECOM took pride in its corporate social responsibility whilst helping to deliver social, environmental and economic change through infrastructure. If I was applying to AECOM now, I would be drawn in by AECOM's commitment towards leaving a sustainable legacy and work towards leaving a positive impact on communities and the planet.
What is your role at AECOM?
I am a consultant within the Stakeholder Engagement, Consultation and Communications team. My day to day role is extremely varied depending on the project. A major part of my job is to support clients in the delivery of consultations ahead of the submission of planning applications, for example a Development Consent Order. This involves working collaboratively with technical teams across a project to produce public friendly consultation materials including exhibition boards, brochures and promotional materials, as well as stakeholder and community engagement prior to consultation launch and throughout project delivery. We also organise and facilitate consultation events, collate and analyse public feedback and report the findings. A further element of my role is to help manage engagement with technical stakeholders including local planning authorities, to gain feedback on proposals and help progress detailed designs.
How long have you worked for AECOM?
I’ve worked at AECOM since December 2020, joining as a Graduate Stakeholder Engagement Consultant. I joined the company during a lockdown which was challenging trying to meet my new colleagues and adapt to the role through a screen, however everyone on the team was incredibly supportive and welcoming.
What do you like most about working for AECOM?
I love the varied nature of my role, and that I had the opportunity to work on multiple projects at a time early on in my career. This has allowed me to gain experience in different sectors, including rail, road and energy, and the growing nature of our team means there are always new opportunities to get involved in other areas of the business, such as the Digital Strategy, or Sustainable Legacies. A key part of why I love working for AECOM is the people; working within a diverse team that is incredibly knowledgeable and supportive is really motivating and I have learnt a lot from my team members.
How has AECOM helped you in your career development?
I have been supported by my team and my managers throughout my career development, including increasing my responsibility on projects and being promoted within my team, but also in my aspirations to relocate and transfer from the Leeds office to Aldgate in London.
How do you use AECOM’s ‘Freedom to Grow’ to give you a good work/life balance?
I use AECOM’s Freedom to Grow to work flexible hours that fit my schedule; I play tag rugby and netball during the week, so Freedom to Grow really helps me balance my time in the week, allowing me to take part in the sports I love!
How do you find hybrid working works for you – what benefits do you get from office working, site working, and home working?
I make the most of being able to get into the office and work alongside my team members as I find it more motivating to work alongside people, especially as you are able to talk through solutions or action plans in real time, rather than through MS teams! Equally the ability to work from home when I feel like it also benefits my mental and physical wellbeing as I am able to break up the day with a lunch walk or work around evening plans or sport team commitments.
What has been your favourite project to work on at AECOM?
I would find it hard to narrow down a favourite project, as each project I have worked on has been very different, however I have really enjoyed working on the Transpennine Route Upgrade East of Leeds, which is a rail project that includes a number of interventions to significantly upgrade the railway between York and Leeds. I have worked on this project since I joined AECOM in 2020 and it has allowed me to work collaboratively with teams from different disciplines, including planning, environment and heritage to facilitate technical stakeholder engagement and maintain consistency in project messaging across public and stakeholder workstreams.
Thinking about the projects you are involved in - how do you help to improve social outcomes for communities?
Consultation is a key method for local communities to have a voice in the planning process, and allows them to share their views on infrastructure or development projects being proposed in their community through channels such as working groups, public events or meetings. We also work with our clients to help understand and acknowledge any concerns local communities may have to minimise objections to proposals.
For the Transpennine Route Upgrade East of Leeds, the proposals will help provide greener, faster and more regular rail journeys between York and Manchester, improving mobility and connectivity for local communities. Through technical engagement on the project, our team helps manage feedback from technical stakeholders such as local planning authorities, historic and environmental bodies and landowners to mitigate potential impacts and contribute towards progressing proposals to a detailed design stage.
What’s your proudest moment at AECOM?
My proudest moment so far has been receiving my promotion from Graduate Consultant to Consultant in April 2022 after being at AECOM for just over a year. It feels great to be part of a team that wants to help you advance and develop your skills and experience in the industry wherever possible.
What have you gained from working at AECOM?
I’ve gained invaluable experience of working in different sectors, including rail, roads, energy projects and master planning. I think it’s been great as a young professional to have exposure to multiple projects at once and I’ve found this has massively improved my ability to multitask and adapt. The opportunity to get involved with areas of the wider business has also been great, and has allowed me to expand my professional network, for example working with the digital teams as part of the Digital Strategy, working on our team's Sustainability Strategy and People workstream, and taking social value days to give back to communities.
What advice do you have for any prospective candidates?
Don’t be afraid to ask questions and if there is a particular area of interest you have or want to explore, make sure you raise it to show your enthusiasm. Additionally do your research into recent projects AECOM have worked on, particularly the team you are applying for a position in. If you are able to come to an interview with examples of how your expertise could contribute towards a particular project that will come across positively and show you are invested in the company’s performance and portfolio.
Meet Elise, an Apprentice Quantity Surveyor
What drew you to work at AECOM originally? What would that be now – has it changed?
I was first drawn to AECOM after learning about the wide range of different projects they are involved in. I hoped that this would give me the opportunity to gain a broad experience during my time with the company. Although, this is still relevant, what would draw me to AECOM now is how focused and invested they are in your individual development and progress. This is essential to your personal growth and especially important for me at the start of my career.
What is your role at AECOM?
Apprentice Quantity Surveyor.
How long have you worked for AECOM?
9 Months.
What do you like most about working for AECOM?
The amount of time they invest in your career development. Although I have only been a part of AECOM for 9 months I have already been invited to numerous events and webinars which have not only supported me in how I can grow and further my career but also excites me for the possible future opportunities at AECOM. I also like how much they have invested in allowing everyone to learn new skills through AECOM University. This helps me feel supported in my career and helps me to bring my best self to my job.
What have you gained from working at AECOM?
Although I have already gained a lot of skills whilst working at AECOM, one of the most important things I have gained is being comfortable with talking to people who are higher up in the business and clients. After lots of team building events where it was necessary to socialise with numerous people my social skills massively developed. This is extremely useful as it has helped me to comfortably speak to clients. Additionally, after constantly meeting and interacting with people who are higher up in the business, it has allowed me to want to reach out to them for support and be able to ask them questions.
What advice do you have for any prospective candidates?
Don’t be nervous to ask questions, the more you ask the more you’ll learn. Additionally, by asking a wide range of people you may get different answers which can be useful when figuring out the best way to do something.

Meet Matthew, a Graduate Project Manager
What drew you to work at AECOM originally? What would that be now – has it changed?
The thing that originally drew me to working at AECOM was the scale of the organisation, and the opportunity to work with many different people on a wide range of projects. While that is still true, the hybrid working and freedom to grow is a big positive in working for AECOM.
What is your role at AECOM?
My current role is a graduate project manager. This often involves me working alongside a more senior PM who is leading on a project. Much of my role is co-ordinating design teams whether that is external or an internal AECOM design team. My role also includes client and stakeholder engagement, reporting, and programming.
How long have you worked for AECOM?
I have worked at AECOM for nearly two years. I started in September 2021, the summer after graduating from university.
What do you like most about working for AECOM?
The thing I like most about working for AECOM is the wide range of different projects I have had the chance to work on. I have been involved on projects that range from small refurbishments to large-scale new builds. I also appreciate the opportunities I have had to travel around the country and abroad while working on these projects.
How has AECOM helped you in your career development?
AECOM has helped my career development by giving me my first project management role in the industry, and by giving me the opportunity to learn while on the job through a graduate role. Working at a large organisation like AECOM has also given me the opportunity to connect with different disciplines across AECOM.
How do you use AECOM’s ‘Freedom to Grow’ to give you a good work/life balance?
I like to use freedom to grow to adjust my working hours around other things in my life. It means I can go for a run at lunch or finish early to go to the gym at a quieter time. Flexible working hours also means I can avoid rush hour traffic when working in the office. It can also be used for something as simple as working from home when you have a delivery scheduled.
How do you find hybrid working works for you – what benefits do you get from office working, site working, and home working?
Whilst I do usually enjoy working from the office more than from home, it is nice to have the option of where to work from each day. Working from the office gives me the opportunity to sit with my team and learn more from people experienced in my role. Whereas working from home can be useful when I have a day full of virtual meetings and a quieter environment would be useful.
What has been your favourite project to work on at AECOM?
My favourite project I have been a part of at AECOM so far is a project I worked on for the DIO (Defence Infrastructure Organisation) based in Gibraltar. It was a wide multi-disciplinary project for AECOM and while the project was very challenging with demanding timelines, we got some very nice site visits!
Thinking about the projects you are involved in - how do you help to improve social outcomes for communities, or how have you contributed to sustainable solutions?
A few of the projects I have been involved in are part of the Governments ‘levelling up’ agenda, which is a scheme I see a lot of value in, particularly for Northern England where I have grown up all my life. Being involved in these projects has felt rewarding as you are delivering promising opportunities within communities.
What’s your proudest moment at AECOM?
My proudest moment so far has been completing my first project which was a refurbishment of the new economic hub in Darlington. Closing out a project that I worked on for months was a great feeling and knowing I’d closed out my first project was an important milestone.
What have you gained from working at AECOM?
I’ve gained a much wider understanding of how Construction projects are managed. Working closely with experienced Project Managers has helped me to gain an understanding of how different people go about their work.
What advice do you have for any prospective candidates?
My advice to prospective AECOM candidates would be to get as involved as possible! It has been great to meet members of other teams around the office and connect with the other graduates. Attending Sports & Social events has been a particular highlight of mine and really helped me to connect with people I otherwise wouldn’t get the chance to meet.

Meet Benjamin, a Apprentice Streets Engineer
What drew you to work at AECOM originally? What would that be now – has it changed?
The initial attraction to AECOM was how well established the company was, and how well respected AECOM are in the engineering world. I had spoken with friends and family and heard about the high levels of support and guidance available to staff undertaking their training and development programmes. Also, the direct access to higher education that AECOM provides, these factors were really important to me.
Right now, while the support and guidance are still at the high level I had hoped for, I have also been given the opportunity to develop my skills and experience by working on exciting new schemes, influencing the shape of the highway network and improving various local communities around the UK. This type of learning is invaluable for a more junior engineer like myself, and this would be a big factor in my joining AECOM today.
What is your role at AECOM?
I am currently a Degree Apprentice at AECOM within the Roads Team. I support the team through working on construction drawings and other project related documents.
How long have you worked for AECOM?
I have worked at AECOM since September 2021.
What do you like most about working for AECOM?
Apart from the challenging construction projects I enjoy, I also appreciate the daily interaction I have with colleagues at all levels. Working with such a diverse team gives me access to engineering knowhow, experience and guidance, this is building my professional confidence. I also love the freedom AECOM offer its staff through flexible working between the office, site, and at home, this is giving me the freedom to grow.
How has AECOM helped you in your career development?
The career development I have gained whilst working at AECOM has been phenomenal. I came to AECOM as a complete empty book with no experience at all, and in this short amount of time I have gained so much experience and picked up unreal amount of skills needed for my career. Every day you learn something new or useful and this happens a lot more when working with colleagues, who are always happy to help.
How do you use AECOM’s ‘Freedom to Grow’ to give you a good work/life balance?
Being quite an active person, I tend to utilize the freedom to grow to benefit when I attend football for example. This gives me more of an opportunity to attend these activities within work hours. Also a massive benefit of this is when a ‘last minute’ event happens which we have all experienced. The freedom to grow policy gives the opportunity to do the last minute things without a worry.
How do you find hybrid working works for you – what benefits do you get from office working, site working, and home working?
I enjoy the new ‘Hybrid’ way of working, as living quite far from the Manchester office, means travelling adds an extra 2/3 hours on top of my days work, which means I have extra time now to relax and recover for my next day of work. On the other hand I really do enjoy being back in the office as this gives the chance to learn first-hand off team members and also socialize with the team.
What has been your favourite project to work on at AECOM?
Most definitely it was the De Haviland Way project I was involved with in recent months. The main reason this is my favourite is it gave me a real insight on active travel and got me involved in designing active travel routes for the first time in my career. I enjoyed the freedom of designing and liked the challenge of restricting your design to specific standards.
Thinking about the projects you are involved in - how do you help to improve social outcomes for communities?
The projects I am involved in are mostly Active Travel Schemes, these focus on improving footway and cycle paths across communities and encourage residents to start undertaking a better way of travelling. These schemes have so many benefits including health and physical benefits and also environmental benefits, so I am proud to be a part of that.
What’s your proudest moment at AECOM?
My proudest moment whilst working for AECOM would be representing AECOM NW at the CIHT awards as a young professional. Being given this opportunity so early on in my career gave me that feeling of being valued in the business which is so important to everyone. I got the opportunity to network with other young professionals and senior engineers and was a great night representing AECOM.
What have you gained from working at AECOM?
Experience, knowledge, a lot of training opportunities, support, good colleagues, engineering principles and collaboration.
What advice do you have for any prospective candidates?
The advice I would like to give would do not be afraid to ask questions and ask for help, everybody at AECOM is always willing to help. Also I would suggest getting involved with your team as much as you can, attending team events, meetings for example as this makes a good working environment and makes work much more enjoyable.
Meet Chris, a Graduate Highways Engineer
What drew you to work at AECOM originally? What would that be now – has it changed?
The variety of projects and wealth of knowledge drew me to AECOM, I wanted to start my career in
an environment where I could learn every day. I’m still learning every day here and I’m happy I came
here for this reason, I’d come here again if I was in the same position.
What is your role at AECOM?
My role for the first 7 months was to design and assess elements of major projects in highways, now
I’ve recently begun a placement in the water team where I am identifying opportunities and
designing sustainable drainage systems.
How long have you worked for AECOM?
I’ve been with AECOM for 9 months now.
What do you like most about working for AECOM?
The friendly environment. I’ve never had a negative experience with another person and everyone
from other graduates to directors have always been happy to answer my questions and support my
development as an engineer.
How has AECOM helped you in your career development?
Clear paths to chartership and guidance, my line manager has been especially helpful with
understanding where I can go in my career.
How do you use AECOM’s ‘Freedom to Grow’ to give you a good work/life balance?
I use it to improve my health. I always start or finish slightly later and take a long lunch if I work from
home. I use this extra time in the day to take a bike ride into the peak district. Freedom to grow has
allowed me to improve my physical and mental health so I’m in the best shape I can be for both my
work and home life.
How do you find hybrid working works for you – what benefits do you get from office working, site working, and home working?
Home working gives me the extra time to look after myself and have quiet days where I need them. The office is great for learning from others and seeing what other people do day to day.
What has been your favourite project to work on at AECOM?
My last project in highways was incredibly diverse in the work available to do on it, I’ve seen a big
part of the early stages of a major highways project in the UK now. I had a great time on this project
both because of the interesting work and the people in the team.
Thinking about the projects you are involved in - how do you help to improve social outcomes for communities, or how have you contributed to sustainable solutions?
I’m currently working on sustainable drainage systems for a large section on Mansfield. The
placement of these systems, which typically are engineered green spaces, can significantly improve
the aesthetic of an area and provide benefit to local communities mental health.
What’s your proudest moment at AECOM?
Producing a Carbon Benchmarking tool for highways projects which allows designers to quickly put a
back-of-envelope calculation together to see how much carbon a design might incur.
What have you gained from working at AECOM?
AECOM has given me a clear path to chartership and the tools/work to get there. I have become a
better engineer and made a number of friends from joining the business.
What advice do you have for any prospective candidates?
Be willing to learn, to meet people and most importantly be open to anything that comes your way.

Meet Alim, a Building Services Engineer Apprentice
What drew you to work at AECOM originally? What would that be now – has it changed?
I was originally drawn to AECOM due to the company being worldwide and having the opportunity to work abroad and experience the world through different projects.
What is your role at AECOM?
Building Services Engineering Apprentice (MEP)
How long have you worked for AECOM?
1 Year 10 Months 14 Days
What do you like most about working for AECOM?
I enjoy the vast majority of projects, from types of projects; Residential, Hotels, Sports Centre’s, Hospitals and many more. Furthermore, being part of Projects across the world!
How has AECOM helped you in your career development?
AECOM has broadened my knowledge on building services and how systems work for us to live, socialise and use facilities in a building!
How do you use AECOM’s ‘Freedom to Grow’ to give you a good work/life balance?
When having other commitments at home and needing to work from home I am able too without hesitation! We’re also given a lot of support to not only focus on just work, but also with STEM, and social activities, especially being an apprentice.
How do you find hybrid working works for you – what benefits do you get from office working, site working, and home working?
Hybrid working, works great for me. Firstly, as a Muslim, I’m able to attend mosque for Friday prayers as this was difficult to do in a previous workplace as being on site Monday-Friday. Another benefit, as an apprentice sometimes travelling to the office 5 days a week may not be feasible and I’m able to work from home helping me save!
Being able to go on site, I’m able to view our designs in person and see how systems work. Furthermore, sometimes things don’t go to plan and being able to go on site and view it, to then give a solution to a problem is great for me to gain problem solving skills.
Working in the office, I can socialise with other people in different departments and find out more about their work! Also, if I need support on a task I’m able to ask someone very easily by going to their desk and asking a question or ask for support.
What has been your favourite project to work on at AECOM?
My favourite project so far has been working on AlUla in Saudi Arabia.
Thinking about the projects you are involved in - how do you help to improve social outcomes for communities, or how have you contributed to sustainable solutions?
I am a STEM lead for St Albans office and I’m able to give support to schools and charitable events. As part of this role, I am able to offer colleagues to be part of STEM and share their stories, experience and advice!
What’s your proudest moment at AECOM?
I was a finalist in the CIBSE Apprentice of the Year 2022.
What have you gained from working at AECOM?
I have gained experience in working with professionals, gained knowledge and skills in the industry, becoming a STEM lead and giving me motivation and interest in engineering!
What advice do you have for any prospective candidates?
Always achieve the highest you can! Plan your route and what you want and create a path to achieve that goal!

Meet Aparna, a Development Infrastructure Apprentice
What drew you to work at AECOM originally? What would that be now – has it changed?
I had design and construction experience overseas but due to family commitments, I took a career gap of 15 years, where first I faced layoff from recession, and I had to take up a variety of jobs outside of the construction industry. I then saw a light in the dark tunnel when I learnt about an apprenticeship in Civil Engineering, and AECOM has given me that opportunity to pursue my dream in the Construction Industry.
What is your role at AECOM?
I joined AECOM as an apprentice within the development infrastructure department in the Belfast NI office. Since I joined, I have contributed to civil engineering projects of high-profile schemes for the local council including a 30km long greenway scheme. I am also involved in several public realm schemes and civil projects on designing, detailing, specification, and tender processing, especially on concept design (my favourite part of the projects), in-depth calculations, report writing, assessments, cost estimations, 2D CAD drawings, communicating with the design team/client and site inspections.
How long have you worked for AECOM?
This July will be 4 years working for AECOM.
What do you like most about working for AECOM?
My team in AECOM believes in me, inspires me, and provides me with several challenging opportunities to work on a variety of local projects. Every time I pass by these sites I feel very proud of being a part of it.
The company promotes diversity, gender equality, and equal opportunity, and employs a team of professionals from different backgrounds. AECOM provides full support and training to enhance knowledge, understanding and experience in real projects to new graduates, and apprentices. AECOM's strategy of sustainable legacy interests me more, as we as professionals must work and do our part to achieve our target towards a sustainable world.
How has AECOM helped you in your career development?
I work in a small team and my line manager has supported me since I joined and provided opportunities in my career development by entering the first step of professional membership - EngTech MICE. My career plan is to climb the ladder further to achieve IEng and later maybe CEng from the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)
How do you use AECOM’s ‘Freedom to Grow’ to give you a good work/life balance?
Since the end of COVID lockdown, I have started to work three days from the office and the rest of the week from my choice of place. Due to the freedom to grow policy, I have been able to support and attend to my family (kids) events, and activities without fail. Such flexibility provides a great work-life balance. Since I don't have to commute every day, I can start my day early by doing some physical exercise and plan the rest of the day with a fresh mind & thoughts.
What has been your favourite project to work on at AECOM?
When I joined, the first project I started working on was the Village Renewal Scheme for a local council. This project involved the development of pockets of land situated in the town centre for the local community. I like this project specially because I was involved in designing, including all the intermediate processes of drafting, and tendering specifications until the execution of a site. I would like to mention another favourite project here, where I am involved in the planning stage so far; GREENWAY projects. These interest me more, as they are close to my favourite locations for walking and cycling.
Thinking about the projects you are involved in - how do you help to improve social outcomes for communities, or how have you contributed to sustainable solutions?
In Village renewal Scheme, the development lands were derelict and needed redevelopment so the adjoining community could meet, mingle and communicate frequently.
What’s your proudest moment at AECOM?
Little things make me feel proud of working at AECOM. I participated in a charity cycling event and completing it made me feel proud. I regularly get involved in the social value works organised by AECOM – like the annual beach clean day.
Receiving EngTech qualification is another level of achievement gained through working at AECOM, and I have also received ICE Quest technician scholarship for year 2023.
What have you gained from working at AECOM?
AECOM has provided me with the opportunity to prove myself after a career gap. Every day brings some challenges as I work on a variety of projects with some difficult tasks, which gives me an adrenaline rush for my mind, and I enjoy it.
What advice do you have for any prospective candidates?
AECOM provides full support, environment, and learning platform to Apprentices/Graduates through to their career ladder. You have freedom to set goals, objectives and accordingly you get professional review from your mentor which is a step-by-step way to work on your career path. I would advise that if you are passionate about the construction industry, AECOM is the right choice as it will take you under its wing to let you fly high.
Meet Ejaz, a Modelling and Appraisal Consultant, Transportation
What drew you to work at AECOM originally? What would that be now – has it changed?
Joining AECOM was a natural choice after graduation as it aligned perfectly with my ambition to make a lasting impact on the world and improve the society I live in. As a global infrastructure firm with a strong commitment to "delivering a better world", I knew I could contribute to meaningful projects that benefit society economically, socially, and environmentally.
Moreover, what attracts me even more now is AECOM's Employee Resource Group, the Ethnic Diversity Network (EDN). Embracing diversity and fostering inclusion has become a driving force in my journey at AECOM. Being the Chair of the EDN Careers Subcommittee has allowed me to collaborate with like-minded colleagues, celebrate diverse cultures and advocate for positive change within the organisation and beyond. I look forward to continuing my journey at AECOM, shaping a better future for communities and the environment while fostering a culture of belonging through the EDN.
What is your role at AECOM?
Consultant, Modelling and Appraisal, Transportation, Future Mobility
How long have you worked for AECOM?
I joined AECOM in November 2020.
What do you like most about working for AECOM?
The diversity of projects I work on is what I like most about working for AECOM. This diversity has directly resulted in me gaining key project experiences that have helped my professional and personal development, by equipping me with newfound knowledge and a wide range of experiences.
Another aspect that I truly appreciate is AECOM’s commitment to knowledge sharing and collaboration. Working with talented professionals from different backgrounds provides a unique opportunity to learn and grow, especially in an environment where individuals are encouraged to share knowledge! The collective expertise and diverse perspectives of individuals help to contribute to a stimulating and innovative work environment, one in which I am constantly inspired by my colleagues.
Furthermore, AECOM's commitment to training and development is outstanding. The company places great importance on supporting its employees' growth. Having its own learning and development site, AECOM University offers the tools and resources for me to enhance my capabilities. Moreover, they have developed and refined training programmes for graduates through to managerial level, that help equip individuals for success in their career development at AECOM and wider.
How has AECOM helped you in your career development?
When I joined AECOM, I was immediately provided with training to help me execute my job successfully. As well as this, I was given wider career development training through the 2.5 year ADVANCE Early Careers Development Programme, which I recently completed. This programme vastly improved my workplace knowledge through webinars, in-person events and online training, allowing me to deliver in my role successfully. I also made strong lasting connections with individuals throughout AECOM by taking part!
How do you use AECOM’s ‘Freedom to Grow’ to give you a good work/life balance?
AECOM’s flexible working policy ‘Freedom to Grow’ is beyond amazing. The flexibility to attend urgent family or religious matters or simply take a break has been such a rewarding experience. Through ‘Freedom to Grow’, I am empowered to ensure everything in my life receives the attention it deserves.
How do you find hybrid working works for you – what benefits do you get from office working, site working, and home working?
Freedom to Grow is not just limited to time, but also space. I have the ability to work wherever I want; this ensures I can be at home to pick up deliveries, work from other offices when out of town or work at my home office when I want to meet colleagues. The hybridity given to employees at AECOM guarantees I am flexible to deal with a variety of life events.
What has been your favourite project to work on at AECOM?
My favourite project at AECOM is the A303 Stonehenge Amesbury to Berwick Down road tunnelling and duelling project. The project aims to not only improve transport connections between the south east and the south west, but also unlock an area of the south west in need of investment and regeneration. The project is an incredibly important example of how AECOM can have a lasting impact on future generations. Moreover, the challenges and complexities I faced on the A303 project have pushed me to expand my skills and problem-solving abilities. Being involved in such a transformative and demanding initiative has allowed me to grow both professionally and personally, making it a truly fulfilling and memorable experience.
What advice do you have for any prospective candidates?
Each individual is unique and brings a new way of thinking which in large part has been determined by their background and life experiences. So value yourself and what you can bring! If you are looking to help deliver real change in a diverse environment where your input and thoughts are valued, regardless of your background, then AECOM is for you. Working for AECOM will provide you with numerous opportunities to grow and develop skills that you are interested in. Moreover, if you are from a diverse background, the existence of Employee Resource Groups will help to ensure that AECOM is a hospitable place for you to develop your career and network.
Are you a member of an ERG and how has that helped you working at AECOM?
The Ethnic Diversity Network is an Employee Resource Group (ERG) that was set up by employees to promote the voices of ethnically diverse employees, with a goal of promoting Equity, Diversity & Inclusion. As Chair of the Career’s Subcommittee, I have been actively involved in generating ideas and developing proposals on how to improve ethnic diversity at AECOM. I am currently actively campaigning for diverse interview panels, which is currently being piloted in interviews across AECOM. For Black History Month 2022, I helped create and deliver a networking training skills event. This involved inviting a range of diverse speakers, from within AECOM and our client network, who each provided their experiences and tips and tricks to become better networkers. Being part of an ERG that is looking to not just address any structural inequalities, but also help upskill and improve the career development of those from ethnically diverse backgrounds has been incredibly rewarding.

Meet Shauna, a Graduate Economist
What is your role at AECOM?
I am currently working as Graduate Economist within Transportation Planning in Ireland. My role involves dynamic and ever-evolving responsibilities, driven by a diverse set of projects undertaken by my team. These projects encompass a wide range of tasks, such as developing reports for infrastructure projects, conducting economic analyses, contributing to planning and public realm projects as well as transport appraisal work. As a recent graduate, I actively collaborate with my team members, working on our ongoing projects to gain valuable experience, refine my skills and broaden my exposure within the economics discipline.
How long have you worked for AECOM?
I joined AECOM as a graduate in September 2023 following my internship.
What do you like most about working for AECOM?
My favourite aspect of working with AECOM is the understanding of the importance of work-life balance. As long as I complete my tasks, I have the freedom to shape my workweek around my needs. It’s about finding a good balance between work and personal life, and AECOM supports me in achieving that.
How has AECOM helped you in your career development?
Everyone in my team has been really supportive about what skills I want to progress and what areas of projects I enjoy taking part in. I feel supported by both my team and senior managers in my choice of career development and the pathways I would like to take in the future.
How do you find hybrid working works for you – what benefits do you get from office working, site working, and home working?
Hybrid working works for me as I can plan around my schedule on a week-to-week basis. I often like to visit friends and family around Ireland and the freedom to grow/hybrid working allows me to have that flexibility to work remotely when I need to. When I can, I really enjoy going to the office as I feel it allows me to learn more when other team members are nearby. From being in the office I feel more clued in, accomplished, and get to spend time with the other graduates in my office.
What has been your favourite project to work on at AECOM?
My favourite projects to work on in AECOM is being involved in urban design and public realm projects. Although transportation plays a significant role in my work, as an economist, I can also contribute socio-economic insights to public realm initiatives. It's great to collaborate in a multidisciplinary team comprising of architects, planners and civil engineers. This opportunity to measure and assess the socio-economic costs and benefits associated with a chosen scheme is both engaging and an area I would like to continue to work on in the future.
What have you gained from working at AECOM?
I have gained confidence from working in AECOM. I have been able to gain real-time experience working on projects from start to finish as well as helping me gain insight into what type of work I would like to pursue in the future.
What advice do you have for any prospective candidates?
Be vocal about what you’re interested in and what types of projects you would like to work on.
Meet Claire, a Graduate Geotechnical Engineer
What is your role at AECOM?
I am a Graduate Geotechnical Engineer in the Glasgow Ground Engineering team.
How long have you worked for AECOM?
I have worked for AECOM coming up for a year in August.
How has AECOM helped you in your career development?
I have recently started the process of gaining chartership and AECOM have been proactive in assigning me a delegate and supervising engineer. I have quarterly meetings with my delegate engineer in which we discuss my progress and any questions I have. He is very supportive and is always happy to help in between meetings too.
How do you use AECOM’s ‘Freedom to Grow’ to give you a good work/life balance?
I make use of the ‘Freedom to Grow’ by aiming to work an extra half hour or hour Monday to Thursday which allows me to take an early finish on Friday. This allows me to fully switch off from work and make the most of the weekend. ‘Freedom to Grow’ particularly benefited me when I first started at AECOM as I was still looking for somewhere to live. This allowed me to attend viewings during the day and work back the time later-on.
How do you find hybrid working works for you – what benefits do you get from office working, site working, and home working?
Hybrid working is beneficial as it allows me the flexibility to work from home. Occasionally, I will need to be in my flat for packages or to let maintenance workers in and hybrid working allows me to do that. I like the combination of site work and office/home working, I enjoy being offered the opportunity to leave the desk and get out on site to carry out a more hands-on role.
What has been your favourite project to work on at AECOM?
My favourite project to work on at AECOM has been Delmore Loop. This project involved the design of a railway embankment to accommodate a new passing loop. I particularly enjoyed this project as it was my first project I worked on full-time. This allowed me to see it progress and gain a greater understanding of the different stages within the project. I am currently on-site and finishing my second week out of a three-month site placement. So far, I am enjoying it thoroughly. I like getting the opportunity to learn more about what I have been reviewing and reporting on in the office.
What’s your proudest moment at AECOM?
When I started at AECOM it was difficult meeting and getting to know other employees from different teams. The Ground Engineering Team itself was very welcoming and everyone was easy to talk to and get to know, however, I found meeting colleagues from different teams difficult. Upon speaking with the other Graduate in my team I found they had the same issue. This led us to taking steps to create an Early Careers Network (ECN) for the Glasgow office. We found a few other graduates from other teams and formed an Early Careers committee. The purpose of this was to create a Network within the Glasgow office that organised events to bring early career employees from different teams together. The aim was to encourage communication and understanding of the roles within different teams. Our first official event is coming up within the month and we have already received a huge interest for attendance. The hope is by encouraging networking among the early careers that overall communication between teams will improve.
Meet Sammun, a Graduate Consultant, Stakeholder Engagement
What drew you to work at AECOM originally? What would that be now – has it changed?
My job search took place back in early 2021, when graduate jobs were few and far between. When I spotted this role, I was immediately drawn to the variety of novel projects that I could have the opportunity to work on. At the time, it could have been quite easy to fall into a trap of settling for a job, however upon researching the work that AECOM does, and the benefits this brings to ordinary people around the world, it was a no-brainer.
Having studied Economics and Politics at university, I did not consider the possibility of looking for a role within engineering/infrastructure development. However, looking at the skills I needed, coupled with the experience I had acquired thus far, I knew I had to give it a shot!
If I saw my job posting today, I know I would apply within a heartbeat! I genuinely believe that the role I have is so unique, as we act as a medium between clients and our colleagues in technical disciplines, who guide the development of a project. We are also completely unlimited in terms of the industries we work in, whether it be aviation, roads, rail or energy! This means that no two days are the same, and the wealth of knowledge you acquire is profound!
How long have you worked for AECOM?
I joined AECOM in August 2021.
What do you like most about working for AECOM?
In my team, we are at an exciting point in time. We have a growing team and numerous streams of work to become involved with. This positivity and optimism for the future is something I have noticed is core to the ethos at AECOM. The opportunities for personal growth, networking and career development are endless, and this optimism is shared by colleagues across the globe.
How has AECOM helped you in your career development?
Having started my career at AECOM, there are numerous ways that I have progressed over the last couple of years. For example, the ADVANCE development programme is targeted at graduates and apprentices who join AECOM. This 2.5 year blended learning programme seeks to refine your skills and competencies, to aid your move to a working life. The resources and workshops that this programme offers, as well as networking opportunities that it provides means you have a strong foundation to build your career.
We also have 16 hours of social value time each year, which allows you to explore volunteering opportunities where you can give back to the community. For example, I spent a day last year at a local primary school, clearing a garden area for a new picnic area for the children. We also got time to explore their mini-farm, petting their pygmy goats and chickens!
As well as this, I have actively participated in various opportunities that have been offered to me, whether it be project-related or internal to AECOM.
How do you use AECOM’s ‘Freedom to Grow’ to give you a good work/life balance?
AECOM’s ‘Freedom to Grow’ policy allows me to balance my family life as well as my work. I have caring responsibilities for a younger sibling, and the flexibility that I have through this gives me the confidence to fulfil my personal responsibilities, while being reassured that my work is not affected as a result. The flexible hours and hybrid working options mean I can ensure all aspects of my life get the due care and attention they need.
What has been your favourite project to work on at AECOM?
My favourite project, and the one I have worked on for the longest, is providing stakeholder engagement and communications support on Phase 2 of the Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme. Once complete, this project will provide a 1-in-200-year level of protection along the River Aire from Apperley Bridge, Bradford, all the way down to Woodlesford, Leeds.
By establishing a good rapport with the client and contractors on the scheme, I have become invested in seeing this project through to completion. My role is so varied, from providing monthly updates to key stakeholders, organising site tours, attending director level meetings and leading on preparation for the opening event, I really do enjoy working on this project! Being based at a site office, it gives me the opportunity to visit various sites and speak to a host of different people, all of which have helped me to develop my confidence and approach considerably.
What advice do you have for any prospective candidates?
Be open to everything! There is a point where you have to believe in your own abilities and stretch yourself. Working for AECOM, you will see that there are numerous opportunities that allow you to do this. Whether it’s being a part of your local office network, an Employee Resource group, or really excelling in your projects, I recommend you come to AECOM with an open mind and a ready-for-anything attitude!
Are you a member of an ERG and how has that helped you working at AECOM?
I am a member of the Ethnic Diversity Network, and I sit on the career subcommittee. We have four ERGS; Ethnic Diversity, Pride Europe, Gender Alliance, and Beyond Abilities. These internal employee networks give you an opportunity to share your views and encourage employee participation, making AECOM an inclusive and enjoyable place to work. You can broaden your network, improve your organisational skills and thrive in the development opportunities that will be offered to you.
Last year, I was involved in the organisation of a networking event as part of our celebration of Black History Month. We invited a range of diverse speakers from within AECOM and our client network to take part and share their experience of networking through their careers, and providing tips for attendees to use themselves.
This was a really exciting opportunity for the Ethnic Diversity Network, as it excelled our visibility and drive to deliver positive outcomes for our colleagues. Events like this are really helpful for your career development, and the network you create by working across disciplines is so beneficial for your personal growth.
Meet Haydia, a Civil Engineering Apprentice
What drew you to work at AECOM originally? What would that be now – has it changed?
I was originally drawn to work for AECOM due to their efforts and frameworks in place to establish a diverse and inclusive working environment. The attracting factor, in working for the company, now would be the excellent support network available, promoting employee growth, and the company’s drive to cultivate an all-inclusive workplace.
What is your role at AECOM?
My official job title is Civil Engineering Apprentice. I primarily assist project teams by creating and amending CAD drawings to facilitate timely delivery of work packages, e.g., planning applications.
How long have you worked for AECOM?
I have been employed for almost two years. My first day on the job was 06 September 2021.
What do you like most about working for AECOM?
AECOM is a huge company with countless opportunities for growth and development. The company’s approach in enabling employees to thrive via the “Freedom to Grow” working scheme is an implementation I highly value as it allows me to adjust my working hours to suit my personal preferences.
How has AECOM helped you in your career development?
My team is very supportive in my journey as an apprentice. They have encouraged me to take initiative in my career development – a prime example of this is when I decided to switch universities. I prefer my current university’s mode of delivery in course material rather than my former university as it better suits my learning style. My team were present, every step of the way, to accommodate a smooth university transition.
How do you use AECOM’s ‘Freedom to Grow’ to give you a good work/life balance?
‘Freedom to Grow’ has allowed me to successfully complete two years in university. I will be entering third year in September 2023. Without such a scheme, balancing work life with university life would be an exceptionally difficult challenge.

Meet Aaron, a Graduate Highways Engineer
What is your role at AECOM?
Graduate Engineer.
How long have you worked for AECOM?
I have been with AECOM just over 1 year, I joined in July 2022.
What do you like most about working for AECOM?
I enjoy the vast amounts of different and interesting projects to be involved in.
How has AECOM helped you in your career development?
AECOM provide clear and concise career planning and have options to develop technical knowledge further through CPD programmes.
How do you use AECOM’s ‘Freedom to Grow’ to give you a good work/life balance?
I use freedom to grow to set my working hours to what suits me, I like to be in the office early to get some essential focusing time before the majority of my colleagues begin working.
How do you find hybrid working works for you – what benefits do you get from office working, site working, and home working?
I believe that office working provides the most opportunity to network and grants people in early careers a large benefit to ask questions and be exposed to the office environment. Hybrid working is a fantastic benefit, and it has such a positive impact on my work-life balance.
What has been your favourite project to work on at AECOM?
My favourite project that I’m currently working on is the Liffey Cycle Route. Working on a scheme in the heart of Dublin that a substantial amount of people will transverse each year brings me great pride, but also gives the design team a unique challenge which needs innovative ideas to progress the scheme through what is an extremely popular area in Dublin City.
Thinking about the projects you are involved in - how do you help to improve social outcomes for communities, or how have you contributed to sustainable solutions?
The majority of work I have been involved with has been through the NTA Cycle Design Office (CDO), it has brought great contributions to sustainable travel. These projects will bring greater social inclusion from the accessibility that is being granted.
What have you gained from working at AECOM?
From my time in AECOM I have gained invaluable experience and guidance from my peers.
What advice do you have for any prospective candidates?
The advice I would give to prospect candidates is to not be afraid to ask questions, the more you ask the more you learn.
Meet Sion, a Graduate Structural Engineer
What drew you to work at AECOM originally? What would that be now – has it changed?
I was fortunate during my undergraduate studies to gain two consecutive summer placement positions within the AECOM Cardiff office working within the structures team. The opportunity exposed me to a wide range of projects working with diverse teams and disciplines. This cemented in my mind that I wanted to work for AECOM when I graduated, and when the opportunity became available it was a no brainer.
What is your role at AECOM?
I am a graduate structural engineer working within the Environment, Water and Energy sector based in the Warrington office. My role involves working within the civil and structural team within a number of key nuclear defence projects which involve technical report writing, calculations, structural analysis (finite element) and working with a team of technicians to coordinate 2D and 3D models.
How long have you worked for AECOM?
I’ve been working at AECOM for two years.
What do you like most about working for AECOM?
The opportunities to learn have been invaluable in developing my technical and non-technical knowledge and skills. I am fortunate to work on diverse technically challenging projects and collaborate with multi-disciplinary teams within nuclear defence. The Warrington office culture fosters a supporting environment which has allowed me to meet my goals and challenge my abilities.
How has AECOM helped you in your career development?
Since joining AECOM I have been accepted onto the Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE) training agreement. AECOM have provided me with opportunities and experiences to develop my skills and knowledge required on my path to become professionally qualified. The Warrington office has setup an Early Careers group with the aim of fostering an environment for apprentices and graduates to gain technical knowledge from senior engineers within the office.
How do you use AECOM’s ‘Freedom to Grow’ to give you a good work/life balance?
‘Freedom to Grow’ has allowed me to move away from the normal nine to five and adjust my work to suit the projects I’m working on along with my personal commitments. I have always been a morning person and flexible working hours allows me to start my day early and finish by mid-afternoon, getting the most out of my day.
What has been your favourite project to work on at AECOM?
Working on a new building within the nuclear sector over the past two years has provided me with invaluable experience and has challenged my technical ability as a graduate engineer. The team around me is fantastic, supportive, and extremely capable, creating a working environment which has allowed me to develop with the continued support of my peers.
What’s your proudest moment at AECOM?
My proudest moment at AECOM would be given the opportunity to organise and line manage two undergraduate summer placement students at the Warrington office. Gaining this greater level of responsibility provided me with a sense of achievement that I had been recognised by the senior management to confidently carry out the role.
What have you gained from working at AECOM?
I have been afforded the opportunity to work on large complex projects within the Environment, Water and Energy sector, which have proved to be the most challenging but rewarding jobs.
What advice do you have for any prospective candidates?
If you are currently completing your undergraduate studies and are unsure of what route to take in your career, I would highly recommend applying for placement positions. AECOM will provide the opportunity to find an area of interest which you may not have identified before, and support your development, both professional and personal.
Meet Marta, a Graduate Interior Designer
What drew you to work at AECOM originally? What would that be now – has it changed?
AECOM is a very well-known company working on a wide range of projects with the ability to make an impact and tackle some of the challenges we are facing nowadays. I was very interested in the Graduate scheme as an opportunity to develop my career with support and mentoring from creative, competent, and inspiring professionals.
Currently, I can confirm, after 5 months that it has exceeded my expectations. The team made me feel so welcome from the first day and I have a line manager who is incredibly supportive, encouraging me and making me enjoy every single aspect of the role.
What is your role at AECOM?
I am a Graduate Interior Designer. I work within the Interior Design (ID) UK Team which is in London, Glasgow, and Belfast. My role involves supporting the team in creating clients’ strategies within the workplace. We bring the concept of ‘The Office of the Future’ offering new ways of working based on collaborative spaces, rather than individual settings, to encourage people connections.
The daily activities involve space planning, suitability studies, concept, and technical design, FF&E Specification, and change management strategy among others.
How long have you worked for AECOM?
I joined AECOM 5 months ago. I started in September 2022 after completing the MA in Interior Design and Architecture from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh.
What do you like most about working for AECOM?
The ID Team’s support, friendship, and competence are the things I value the most. They are fantastic and their wide range of skill sets have helped me broaden my knowledge, especially at the beginning of my career.
I work with diverse projects, making me feel like every day is different. The types of designs are very challenging, making the role motivating and interesting. We are living through unprecedented times; still wondering ‘what is the future of the office after the pandemic?’ Thinking about how we can improve people’s lives through design drives me daily.
Lastly, another great aspect is that we are in charge of our career progression. We have the ability here at AECOM to drive our development into many different areas. Options are endless!
How has AECOM helped you in your career development?
Since I joined the company in September 2022, I had the opportunity to be part of the ADVANCE Programme. We are given plenty of training to help us develop communication, presentation, and soft skills from the beginning of our careers. Technical training is also provided at AECOM University. You can continuously improve your knowledge and put it to good use.
From the minute I started in the company, my manager has supported me in every single aspect that is critical in my progression. She helps me to get the best of myself. I have received colleagues’ support when needed, making it very easy to start my career in the company.
How do you use AECOM’s ‘Freedom to Grow’ to give you a good work/life balance?
As a person who lives in Edinburgh but is based in the Glasgow office, commuting can be expensive, especially with the transport price rise. With ‘Freedom to Grow’ I get more flexible work schedules for those days in the office. This means I can travel off-peak, so I can save money.
I also believe the flexible approach helps people to take responsibility for their working hours and makes us more productive and efficient as well as managing our work/life balance.
What has been your favourite project to work on at AECOM?
Although I have not worked here for long, I have had the opportunity to participate in different projects. My favourite one has been the AECOM Manchester office as I spent the most time working on it, getting an overall idea of how a project is developed. I am also involved with the Change Management team and enjoy this because it focuses on behaviour which is vital to understand when designing for people!
What’s your proudest moment at AECOM?
I feel very proud generally about being part of the company. Working for AECOM was one of my objectives when I finished my studies and now I can say that I have achieved it!
What have you gained from working at AECOM?
I challenge myself every day. I have amazing support, professional and personal growth, and the opportunity to be around fantastic and inspiring people working on very interesting projects.
What advice do you have for any prospective candidates?
I reckon it is good to identify your interests and objectives from the beginning. Try to have a proactive attitude and try to say ‘yes’ even if you think you could fail. Especially at the beginning of our careers, we should not be afraid to commit mistakes as they always present an opportunity to learn.
Meet Sinead, a Graduate Mechanical Engineer
What drew you to work at AECOM originally? What would that be now – has it changed?
Originally, how global and diverse AECOM is attracted me to apply! However, from being with the company a few months I’ve noticed a lot of emphasis on career paths which I value! Due to the nature and size of the business there are opportunities at all ends. AECOM reiterates the importance that there is no direct route for success and where your job can take you!
What is your role at AECOM?
I am a graduate engineer who assists the engineers in designing energy efficient systems in the built environment. Using IESVE software to complete a Part L assessment of buildings and using Revit for preliminary design of buildings.
How long have you worked for AECOM?
10 months although I completed my placement in the Belfast office during COVID for 8 months.
What do you like most about working for AECOM?
Freedom to grow is defiantly one of them! Also, that no one project I have worked on is the same- each day is different.
How has AECOM helped you in your career development?
AECOM focuses on career development very early on in the GDP. Several CPDs inhouse and external are always arranged weekly to keep us up to date with the latest technology. So far I have been assigned a mentor and have started my chartership route. I have also got the opportunity to attend Schneider Electric inhouse Graduate 10-day intense programme over in the UK at their Leeds & Coventry offices. AECOM also has a YEN (Young Engineers Network) where you can meet & support likeminded individuals from your industry all over the UK&I offices. They also run events twice a year showcasing site/office visits within AECOM UK&I.
How do you use AECOM’s ‘Freedom to Grow’ to give you a good work/life balance?
Yes, it is one of the main perks within AECOM! I use it by starting earlier and finishing earlier or for instance sometimes I work later in the evenings to finish earlier on a Friday just depends what I have on.
How do you find hybrid working works for you – what benefits do you get from office working, site working, and home working?
So far, I love it, I couldn’t imagine being in the office 5 days a week! Our team has one set day a week that we are all in. Sometimes more days depending on the project you’re working on.