Meet Meg, a Streets Engineer


Meg Scott

Streets Engineer


What drew you to work at AECOM originally? What would that be now – has it changed?

After going to university for a year I realised it wasn’t the right route for me and investigated Graduate Apprenticeship programmes. AECOM’s graduate apprenticeship programme was an established route within a worldwide Engineer and Consultancy firm. My perception now has widened, AECOM aims to leave a sustainable legacy which is hugely important to myself and many others. The work I do allows me to deliver sustainable transport solutions all over Scotland which benefits its users.

What is your role at AECOM?

I am a Streets Engineer.

How long have you worked for AECOM?

I have been at AECOM 4 years.

What do you like most about working for AECOM?

The work I do, it allows me to deliver sustainable transport solutions all over Scotland which benefits its users. AECOM welcomes its employees to utilise volunteering time and give back to the communities we work in which is a hugely important aspect in people’s lives, especially my own. Whether that time is used to promote apprenticeships with Skills Development Scotland, introduce STEM in schools or to volunteer at Scouting events across the UK allowing young people to develop skills for life.

How has AECOM helped you in your career development?

AECOM allowed me to start my career at a young age and become independent while I worked and studied as an apprentice. Since then I developed a great understanding of transport regulations and sustainable solutions which will benefit me greatly in the future. I have progressed quickly following completion of my degree becoming an Engineer shortly after finishing, where if I’d followed a traditional route I would just be becoming a Graduate.

How do you use AECOM’s ‘Freedom to Grow’ to give you a good work/life balance?

I utilise freedom to grow to work flexibly, predominantly I work at home and adapt my days to suit me. I often due to my Scout volunteering commitments have at least one shorter working day a week and adjust my hours on other days to accommodate this. Freedom to grow was particularly beneficial while completing my degree as I could work around my coursework.

How do you find hybrid working works for you – what benefits do you get from office working, site working, and home working?

Hybrid working works for me, I go into the office for team days and in person meetings as well as just to catch up with colleagues, but for me on busy days working from home is beneficial. I do also go out to site every couple of months which is nice to have the change of scenery and get some site experience.

What has been your favourite project to work on at AECOM?

I thoroughly enjoyed working on various spaces for people projects in and around Glasgow in 2020. Due to the pandemic more space was required for pedestrians to allow for social distancing, the work had a tight turnaround, but it had a massive impact all across the city, creating spaces that people felt safe in. It’s rewarding to be part of projects that made a difference to my local community.

Thinking about the projects you are involved in - how do you help to improve social outcomes for communities, or how have you contributed to sustainable solutions?

Our day to day work looks to encourage sustainable transport across the country, it is encouraging to see the public perception of cycling changing recently in the current climate crisis.

What’s your proudest moment at AECOM?

I was lucky to be named the Skills Development Scotland Graduate Apprentice of the Year 2022, it was great to feel that all the hard work of my apprenticeship was being recognised.

What have you gained from working at AECOM?

I have a greater appreciation for a good work atmosphere, I am grateful that the team I work with are so welcoming as we all look to help develop each other’s skills and support each other’s work and growth.

What advice do you have for any prospective candidates?

Come in with an open mind, this company puts its time and energy into developing you through your early career.

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