Meet Alim, a Building Services Engineer Apprentice

Alim Chaudhri

Building Services Engineer Apprentice


What drew you to work at AECOM originally? What would that be now – has it changed?

I was originally drawn to AECOM due to the company being worldwide and having the opportunity to work abroad and experience the world through different projects.

What is your role at AECOM?

Building Services Engineering Apprentice (MEP)

How long have you worked for AECOM?

1 Year 10 Months 14 Days

What do you like most about working for AECOM?

I enjoy the vast majority of projects, from types of projects; Residential, Hotels, Sports Centre’s, Hospitals and many more. Furthermore, being part of Projects across the world!

How has AECOM helped you in your career development?

AECOM has broadened my knowledge on building services and how systems work for us to live, socialise and use facilities in a building!

How do you use AECOM’s ‘Freedom to Grow’ to give you a good work/life balance?

When having other commitments at home and needing to work from home I am able too without hesitation! We’re also given a lot of support to not only focus on just work, but also with STEM, and social activities, especially being an apprentice.

How do you find hybrid working works for you – what benefits do you get from office working, site working, and home working?

Hybrid working, works great for me. Firstly, as a Muslim, I’m able to attend mosque for Friday prayers as this was difficult to do in a previous workplace as being on site Monday-Friday. Another benefit, as an apprentice sometimes travelling to the office 5 days a week may not be feasible and I’m able to work from home helping me save!

Being able to go on site, I’m able to view our designs in person and see how systems work. Furthermore, sometimes things don’t go to plan and being able to go on site and view it, to then give a solution to a problem is great for me to gain problem solving skills.

Working in the office, I can socialise with other people in different departments and find out more about their work! Also, if I need support on a task I’m able to ask someone very easily by going to their desk and asking a question or ask for support.

What has been your favourite project to work on at AECOM?

My favourite project so far has been working on AlUla in Saudi Arabia.

Thinking about the projects you are involved in - how do you help to improve social outcomes for communities, or how have you contributed to sustainable solutions?

I am a STEM lead for St Albans office and I’m able to give support to schools and charitable events. As part of this role, I am able to offer colleagues to be part of STEM and share their stories, experience and advice!

What’s your proudest moment at AECOM?

I was a finalist in the CIBSE Apprentice of the Year 2022.

What have you gained from working at AECOM?

I have gained experience in working with professionals, gained knowledge and skills in the industry, becoming a STEM lead and giving me motivation and interest in engineering!

What advice do you have for any prospective candidates?

Always achieve the highest you can! Plan your route and what you want and create a path to achieve that goal!

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