Meet John, an Apprentice Streets Engineer

John Thomson

Apprentice Streets Engineer


What drew you to work at AECOM originally? What would that be now – has it changed?

Before joining AECOM, I had very limited knowledge of the Civil Engineering industry. However, AECOM was a name that I had heard of before and was aware that they were very involved in the Engineering Industry. Now that I have been in the company for around 10 Months, I am much more aware of the many projects and their aims of sustainability in the Engineering World.

What is your role at AECOM?

My role at AECOM is an Apprentice in the Glasgow Streets team. Within the Streets Team, I work on projects relating to designs for Active Travel Infrastructure across Scotland.

How long have you worked for AECOM?

At this point I have been working for AECOM for 10 months now.

What do you like most about working for AECOM?

Opportunities. Simply put since joining AECOM I have had many opportunities to expand my engineering knowledge and experience different working environments (E.g. working on/visiting a site). This also includes working alongside other colleagues who have had varied amounts of knowledge in different disciplines and teams which has allowed me to see how they work and gain some insight into the different disciplines.

How do you use AECOM’s ‘Freedom to Grow’ to give you a good work/life balance?

I live about 1 hour by train away from the office and commuting can sometimes be quite difficult when frequent strikes or cancellations happen. Thanks to Freedom to Grow I am able to work from home when commuting is not possible or when it proves very difficult.

What advice do you have for any prospective candidates?

My advice to a prospective candidate would be to find an area of the industry that they genuinely connect with and feel they could thrive within. Say yes to any and all experience within the job to better your knowledge and understanding as much as they possibly can. Finally, just enjoy it!

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