Laurence Stalmans - Divisional Planet Passionate Leader


Laurence Stalmans

Divisional Planet Passionate Leader


What does your job at Kingspan involve?

I am the Divisional Planet Passionate Leader for the Joris Ide Division. My job is to make sure we’re hitting every Planet Passionate Target within our Division.

I follow up the monthly environmental data reporting of Water, Energy, Waste and Carbon. With data analysis I detect our target gaps and set up plans to close those gaps. I determine project opportunities and calculate their contribution to our objectives.

Besides the Planet Passionate project I’m working on projects such as Life Cycle Analysis and Circularity across our business.

Furthermore, I’m the point of contact for all sustainability queries within our Division, as well as the link between the Group Sustainability team and our Division.

What is the most interesting project you’ve been involved with?

Every new project is exciting to me from the planning phase until the project is finished. I love that I get to work with a different discipline of the business on every new project. The procurement team, marketing team, technical team, etc.

What advice would you give to new Graduates joining our Company?

Show your interest, show determination and show your passion.

What excites you most about Kingspan?

Living a more sustainable life has always been one of my own life goals. I love working for a company that shares these values.

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