Rosie Carroll - Software Engineer at Alfa


Rosie Carroll

Software Engineer


Before starting Alfa I studied Geology, completed an internship at a FinTech start up and the first year of another graduate scheme. However, I was finding it difficult to find a position where I could improve my coding skills as I did not have a technical background. Alfa hired me for my potential as well as my previous experience in different fields. This has allowed me to undergo training to become a professional software developer. All while being supported and paid throughout. Allowing me to utilise my problem solving skills which I developed in my Geology degree. The interview process at Alfa was refreshing. It was very quick and personable.

I bonded well with my cohort and would meet up after work which we still do even on Zoom. I was happy to realise that everyone came from a variety of backgrounds and were not all fresh graduates. We had 10 weeks training in Java and asset finance, with the last 6 weeks writing production code. As a junior software developer my work is varied from writing code which creates new products for the client and internal improvements. I like that it is a mid-size company as I am able to build a reputation and create opportunities for myself. I have been able to write external blogs, give technical talks, demos to the client and organise volunteering at a local charity – Code Your Future. I am able to use my interpersonal skills every day while still being a developer. I am happy at my job, learn something new every day, have made great friends and I receive good benefits as well.

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