David, an Audit Graduate at BDO

Let’s have a chat with David; an Audit Graduate at BDO, based in Glasgow.




Let’s have a chat with David; an Audit Graduate at BDO, based in Glasgow. Here, he shares his experiences and insights into the role he’s doing, the Unifying Culture, and his career progression at BDO. Want to get a glimpse into the life of an audit professional and the supportive environment at BDO? Read on!

Hi David, let’s get right into it – what is it that you actually do?

Hi! So, my typical day is usually filled with trying to produce the best quality audit work I can. That’s the simplest way of saying that quality is one of the most important things here. When I’m not doing this, my day is filled with team meetings and catch-ups, calls with the audited entity to go over some audit evidence that may be a little tricky, and of course, a few well-deserved coffee breaks! It’s important at BDO to destress with my colleagues and talk about some non-work stuff; that’s the collaboration we get every day.

Sounds like a decent set up. But what do you enjoy most about your daily routine?

Easily, it’s the people. Whether it's my colleagues or the entity contacts, it's really great having so many good relationships where I can learn and grow as an auditor and build professional connections.

That being said, to-do lists are my best friend! Setting out a plan for the week ahead and keeping my diary updated makes dealing with the day-to-day stresses a little easier. Plus, it's always a good feeling when you get to score something off that list!

You must have had the opportunity to work with a variety of businesses as a trainee then?

In the Scotland offices, the opportunities are vast as we don’t specialise in a particular field. I’ve worked all the way from small charities to hotel chains as well as construction entities. There really is the scope to get a bit of everything!

For example, I was involved in an audit of a manufacturing company that needed a large adjustment to the revenue balance in the accounts. This involved some close consultation with the financial standards and some heated discussions with the entity who, of course, didn’t want their revenue to be reduced! However, we successfully made the adjustment, and it was nice to see my work lead to something that actually made a difference in a set of accounts that will be published.

Wow, that’s pretty big. So how has the variety of work at BDO helped your skills develop?

To be honest, there’s so much variety; it exposes me to a lot of different accounting concepts and challenges as no two jobs are the same. It’s also great to give me differing levels of competence within accounting teams. For instance, a small charity won’t have the same level of experienced staff as your larger corporations.

And what about your work-life balance; how do you manage that?

As with any job, there are ebbs and flows depending on what your calendar looks like. Some days you will be out the door straight away, but at times it can be very challenging with some days or engagements requiring longer hours and harder work. That’s the reality of this work, but it’s balanced by the great people here and the reward of seeing your hard work come to life.

We have good incentives which allow you to keep money in your pocket and feel valued as an employee for the job I’m doing. I also look forward to the start of our financial year so I can buy additional days through our rewards programme! There are also always people to talk with, whether that is your people manager, partners, or just our colleagues that are at the same (or more senior!) level as you. They all try to help where possible!

What’s all this about BDO’s Unifying Culture then? What does that mean?

I’ll say it again: the people at BDO are great. You’ll always have a direct line to your people manager who you can express any concerns to. You’ll be surrounded by people going through the same experience as you, who I have always found very helpful to lean on for support and guidance. Outside of work, BDO has a good social scene, which I have to say as I am the head of the Glasgow social committee! It's great to be part of a work environment where the atmosphere allows for us to spend time together and have fun outside of working hours. I think it greatly reflects on the good connections you make while here.

That for me is an integral part of the BDO culture.

Great to hear. So what about recognition; where have you seen this in action?

Recently, I participated in a bit of extra work for the firm that involved checking in with and keeping up to date with our incoming batch of graduates, as well as helping organise the office induction day and tour. As a result of this going well, I was put forward to present to all the incoming graduates at Wembley Stadium during their induction week. This was great for me as I knew my work had been recognised by receiving this additional amazing opportunity.

You must be thinking ahead to your future career though. How has BDO that so far?

Firstly, I’m given time and space to study for my professional exams when they come around. This allows me to progress through my professional qualification, which will set me up for life. BDO has also allowed me to stretch and take on challenging audit sections on tough audits as well as trusting me to speak with entity staff. I have never felt held back during my time here, and if anything, I feel as though you are constantly pushed to improve throughout your training contract.

During my training contract, I’d seen a set path to follow with progression at every point. After that, I’ve seen internal promotions around me, giving me hope for the future, as well as people being seconded abroad for work, which is also a very enticing prospect.

Experiencing another culture? Yes please! Where do you see your career developing then?

Personally, I see myself becoming a qualified CA through my time at BDO, then hopefully take advantage of the secondment opportunities that BDO has so I can mix my career progression with my want to see some more of the world!

The good news is that in the audit profession, our roles will always be required. I see BDO taking proactive steps to keep the business growing, such as taking on new audited entities with bigger fees and more complex accounting areas. It’s these steps that make me confident that BDO is here to stay, and I will have a place here in the future.

The audit qualification and becoming a Charted Accountant really is a gateway to many opportunities for you and sets you up for the future. Whether this is allowing you to progress within audit, or move around to other teams, the quality of jobs you are able to shoot for vastly improves with this qualification behind you. Not to mention the obvious pay bump that comes with being a qualified professional, which in these cost-of-living times is a real bonus!

OK, wind the clock back then. What attracted you to apply for a role at BDO?

BDO puts a huge value on their employees, and that drew me to apply for BDO; it seemed like an environment where I could thrive. Furthermore, the fact that BDO's interview process was more about you as a person rather than a lot of computer competence tests really seemed to back up the fact that they cared more about the individual.

In terms of the application process, my advice would be to just be yourself; the process here is a lot less quizzical and maths-based compared to other firms, and it will really give you an opportunity to show who you are right off the bat. So don’t be afraid to let your personality show during the process!

So there you have it; David's journey at BDO, showing how he’s felt like he can be himself, enjoy the coffee catchups, experience challenging projects and all the while aim for a qualified position. From the variety of work and opportunities for career progression to the strong emphasis on work-life balance and well-being, BDO provides a platform for growth and development. David's experiences reflect the firm's commitment to its employees, making it a great place to build a career in audit.

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