Meet Annelie, Software Developer

I studied Physics at Cambridge University but when I graduated I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I applied for TPP’s internship but, as I had already graduated, I was offered the full time job instead. I’m glad I accepted this offer as I get to work with like-minded people in a fast-paced, yet more focused environment which I didn’t find in internships at other companies.



Software Developer


One of the main differences between studying at University and working at TPP is that my leisure time is now ‘guilt free’, without the pressure of thinking about work on evenings or weekends. Working at TPP also maintains the best aspects of studying at University – it is challenging and interesting, with lots to learn every day.

I have lovely colleagues who are supportive and a real pleasure to work with and this provides an environment where learning to code is so much more enjoyable than learning at University. My day-to-day work involves designing, writing and testing code, maintaining live servers and handling large databases. I’ve had the opportunity to work on projects in China, where I was writing third party integrations, as well as being part of deploying a mental health unit onto SystmOne.

Outside work, I enjoy running and being outdoors. The Yorkshire Dales is really close and easy to get to so the area is a perfect fit for my hobbies. I’ve also had the opportunity to take up bouldering since coming to Leeds – lots of people from work go and there’s a busy climbing community here. I really recommend getting involved if you’re looking for a new and exciting pastime.

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