Meet Julia

Julia studies materials science and engineering at Loughborough University and joined the Glencore Industrial Placement Programme.


Julia Battarbee

Industrial Placement Programme


At which university do you study and what subject?

I study materials science and engineering at Loughborough University.

How did you find out about the Glencore Industrial Placement Programme?

It was advertised through my university’s placement and careers network.

Why did you apply to the programme?

A lot of placements advertised to me were very focused on materials in a lab, and I wanted to see the business side of engineering and what other roles there are outside of my degree.

Why should students apply for the Industrial Placement Programme at Glencore?

Working for Glencore gives you great exposure to the corporate world and potential opportunities for after you graduate. You will have the chance to work with lots of different teams and the work you will be given is challenging. Not to mention that the location is fantastic, and you may get to travel. I have been lucky enough to visit Cape Town and will be attending a seminar in Paris next month.

Which Glencore team are you part of and what do they do?

I work for HSEC, specifically the climate change and enterprise risk management teams. Risk management looks at the key risks and opportunities in the oil department that could significantly impact the business, whereas climate change looks at reducing carbon and emissions in line with Glencore’s pledge to be net-zero by 2050.

What is a typical week like in your role, eg typical activities and responsibilities?

I support my teams and other staff with ongoing projects, be it research, presentation slides, data analysis in Excel, meeting minutes or engineering work – it varies from week to week.

What was the induction phase like at Glencore?

It was very informative. We also had weekly sessions with leads from trading desks and asset teams in the beginning to help us understand how the business works, which were very useful.

What training and support is available throughout the programme?

Entrima (an online learning platform) sessions are run throughout the year on markets and trading, and you may also be asked to attend workshops/ training sessions by your team. In terms of support, everyone is more than happy to help if needed – they are not expecting you to be perfect!

What new skills have you learned on the programme?

My time management and organisational skills have dramatically improved, as well as my skills in Microsoft Office, especially Excel. More than that, however, I’ve learned about workplace dynamics through sitting in meetings and talking with my line managers and I feel much more confident in the work I produce.

Describe a project or piece of work you have been involved in.

I’m currently analysing a carbon reduction project at one of the assets by plotting it on a marginal abatement cost curve (usually known as MACC), which compares the cost of the project compared with the amount of carbon abated from it depending on things like carbon tax, capex and emissions reduction etc.

How can students best prepare for a placement year at Glencore?

Do your research and be positive throughout the application process. Familiarise yourself with some basic skills such as common Excel formulas and effective note taking before you start, as this will help in the beginning. Most importantly while you’re here, remember that Glencore want you to get as much out of them as they get out of you, so don’t be afraid to ask questions if you have them and seek out opportunities for yourself.

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