Intern - Meet Anushka, Analyst

It was obvious from day one that LCP cares about its people.


Anushka Katailiha



I first heard about LCP when they attended a recruitment event at my university and gave a brief insight into the actuarial profession. Intrigued by their presentation and impressed by how friendly and helpful the people from LCP were, I immediately applied for the internship. Following a simple yet personal application process, I was offered a place on the eight-week internship at LCP during my penultimate year of university.

It was obvious from day one that LCP cares about its people – this was further reinforced by a week of thorough training, which focussed on both technical and soft skills. This helped me gain confidence before taking on client work. I was also assigned a buddy when I joined, who guided me throughout the eight weeks, answered any questions I had and provided on-the-job coaching whenever I needed it.

During the internship, I had the opportunity to experience a wide variety of jobs, giving me a clear insight into the day-to-day life of an actuary. From doing individual member calculations to more complex data work for scheme valuations, the breadth of work I took part in fully reflected the role of a graduate. One of my highlights during the internship was the opportunity to attend a client meeting with a senior consultant where I got to witness how the work we do is presented to our clients.

It was also clear that LCP promotes a very healthy work life balance. The team I joined were very friendly and welcoming, which made all of the team socials and weekly trips to the pub all the more enjoyable. Some of my favourite team socials included darts at Flight Club, mini golf and the post exam results celebration drinks!

LCP provided me with challenging but interesting work whilst allowing me to have a great social life. When I was offered a graduate job at the end of my internship, I happily accepted it.

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