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If helping others is your calling, explore advice across different healthcare paths to support you in making great career decisions.
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Is healthcare for you?

Healthcare is a huge graduate career sector, with more job roles and then specialisms within those job roles than you can probably imagine: medicine, nursing and management are just a few examples of your options. Graduates working in healthcare – whether in the NHS or in the private sector – enthuse about being part of a profession dedicated to improving the lives of others. Get started here, and explore our medical and healthcare graduate jobs .

Insights from career specialists

Getting into healthcare: the careers advice you need

Find your fit

Let us guide you through your main healthcare career options: specialisms in medicine, becoming a GP, nursing options and more.

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Your career options in medicine: specialisms

Areas of work, specialisms and alternatives

There are a number of medical specialties you can train for after completing your medical degree, so you can focus on a field you have a real interest and passion for.

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Placeholder image for Your career options in nursing

Your career options in nursing

Areas of work, specialisms and alternatives

Qualified nurses can work in a variety of different specialisms from children's nursing to mental health. Take a look at our overview of nursing areas of practice.

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Placeholder image for Becoming a GP

Becoming a GP

Careers advice and planning

If you like thinking on your feet and meeting a wide range of individuals, working as a doctor in general practice could be the right career choice for you.

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Placeholder image for NHS vs the private sector nursing: what type of graduate employer will you choose?

NHS vs the private sector nursing: what type of graduate employer will you choose?

Careers advice and planning

Our overview of the various graduate employers in nursing and healthcare, including the NHS and independent healthcare organisations.

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If being a medic is not for you…

It’s not uncommon to complete a medical degree and training but decide that a career practising medicine is not actually what you want. If this is you, don't panic. You can transfer the skills you've gained through your medical degree to something else, such as a graduate career in medical law, sales or journalism.

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Your healthcare job options

Discover what key roles in the healthcare sector really involve, and which would suit you best.

Different jobs in healthcare

More options

Want to see more job descriptions?

If you’re looking for information about a role not listed above, you may find it on our healthcare job descriptions page. From art therapist through herbalist to psychologist, start exploring now.

Employers in Healthcare

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Industry leaders with a large annual graduate intake.

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FAQs in healthcare

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Advice for school leavers

Discover the world of options open to you on finishing school or college and get tips on how to make the right decision for you.

CVs, applications and tests

Find the tools and tips you need to help you apply for graduate jobs or internships. We cover every aspect of the application process, from writing a CV to answering online application questions and sitting psychometric tests.

Career ideas

Find advice for figuring out your dream career, including what options are available to you after graduating and how to choose the right graduate role.

Finding a job

Finding a job isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Here we help you to jump potential hurdles, giving essential advice for home and international students: from applying in tough economic times to getting a top graduate job with a 2.2.


Completing an internship allows you to sharpen your skills, improve your CV, prepare for the world of work and potentially land yourself a graduate job. Discover what internships actually involve, how to apply for them and how to make the most of them.

Interviews and assessment centres

You impressed on paper; now it’s time to show the employer in person that you’re the right hire. Learn how to do this with our expert advice for answering interview questions, developing interview techniques and acing assessment centre exercises.

Job descriptions

Discover the qualifications, skills and experience you’ll need for more than 300 job roles and find one you’ll love.

Job offers and working life

Job offers, rejection emails and stepping into the working world with your first graduate job can pull you in a million directions. Fortunately, we’ve curated advice on how to accept job offers, bounce back from rejection and make an impact in your first job.

Skills for getting a job

Discover the skills that major graduate employers seek and how you can demonstrate them on your application form, and at interviews and assessment centres.

University life

Wanting to leave uni with a degree is a given. But what do you want from the other bits of student life? Discover how to combine study, rest, work and play with our insights from students and graduates.

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