Meet Iona, an Audit Apprentice

With passion, enthusiasm and a diverse set of skills, Iona is thriving in her work with Lloyds Banking Group — and loving it. Iona is now an Audit Apprentice



Audit Apprentice

Lloyds Banking Group

Developing new interests

“I've always enjoyed maths and science subjects — on the whole, I've always been quite good with numbers, analysis and problem solving. I also developed an interest in economics over time as I learned more about finance, politics and global affairs. It turns out that these interests have made me very suited for my current role in Internal Audit.”

Diving deeper

“Internal Audit is an exciting place to be because the work is so diverse. Every day is different, and I appreciate how collaborative it is. You work closely with your team, and you get to be hands-on, because the work itself requires a lot of attention to detail. I particularly like the part of the process where you get to investigate and really figure out what is happening in a case.”

Working as one

“Lloyds Banking Group has a really supportive and inclusive culture. They bring us apprentices closer together while also helping us as individuals. Even though there are six apprentices in my cohort, they didn't just group the six of us together, they let us move around to see what support we can offer each other and different teams.”

Individual growth

“When my cohort started, our managers asked each of us what we're good at and what we enjoy, and they then adapted our education for each of us as individuals, which I found really beneficial. It means I can play to my strengths and improve in other areas at the same time.”

Asking the right questions

“I definitely do feel like I'm making an impact through my work. Being young and new to Audit, I have been empowered to take a step back and say, ‘Actually, I don't understand how that works. How does that process work? How does this control work? How does the business do this?’ Getting the answers to those questions helps me see the bigger picture. The team here understand that I’m new to banking, and by encouraging me to ask about anything I need clarification on, I know my confidence is growing as well as my knowledge of the business.”

Love your work

“I don't think I could promote Lloyds Banking Group enough. I'm so happy that I'm on this apprenticeship scheme. I recommend it to anyone who wants to go into finance or banking, even if they're not too sure where they want to go in life. There are so many opportunities, and you can use your skillsets all across the business. I love the culture here. The support is amazing, especially because you can study while working. This experience is something I don't think university could provide.”

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