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Marketing, advertising and PR

Find the role that suits your personality and skills in marketing, advertising and PR.
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It starts with brand

In this sector. you’ll need a personal brand and the skills to promote it, as well as top notch communication skills and an understanding of data and psychology. There are some graduate programmes available (mostly in marketing), but you’ll likely be applying for individual graduate jobs, especially with advertising agencies or in PR. When seeking jobs, you may fell find yourself looking for roles under umbrella terms such as ‘communication’ or ‘brand’.

Search for graduate marketing jobs and schemes and internships.

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Expert advice

What’s the difference?

Understanding this will help you discover which of these sectors will suit you best. Simply put, marketing is the overall process of boosting public awareness of a product, person or service, while advertising and PR are promotion methods that fall under the ‘marketing’ umbrella term. You’ll need to do your research so you can distinguish between marketing, advertising and PR roles.

Getting started

Whether it’s advertising, marketing or PR that you want to break into, here’s how to get started on the career ladder.

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How do I get a graduate job in marketing?

Careers advice and planning

All the information you need to get started on a graduate career in marketing, with application tips, salary information and details of job roles.

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How do I get a graduate job in public relations?

Careers advice and planning

Careers in public relations may sound glamorous, but before you can start hosting cocktail parties and schmoozing local journalists, you’ll need to know how to get into PR and what entry routes are open to you.

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How do I get a graduate job in advertising?

Careers advice and planning

Advertising is about getting a message out there but, unlike PR, a company has to pay for the privilege.

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Where to find advertising, marketing and PR jobs


Graduate schemes with marketing, advertising and PR companies don’t come around often. But that doesn’t mean the jobs aren’t out there.

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Big text says "Pathways"; small text says: "Is your future in social media management?"

Free e-learning for students

Could you be a social media manager?

Thinking about a career in social media but not sure if you have what it takes? Get a genuine insight into the role by trying out our interactive e-learning Pathways module on careers in social media . There are other Pathways, too, including those focused on keys kills for marketing professionals such as entrepreneurial thinking and commercial awareness. Just register and sign in to access them.

Browse job descriptions

Your marketing job options

Take a look at the key roles in marketing, advertising and PR to work out which would suit you best.

Employers in Marketing, advertising and PR

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Industry leaders with a large annual graduate intake.

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FAQs in marketing, advertising and PR

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Job descriptions

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Skills for getting a job

Discover the skills that major graduate employers seek and how you can demonstrate them on your application form, and at interviews and assessment centres.

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