Meet Shaun, an Aeronautical Engineering Student

Meet Shaun, a 20 year old Aeronautical Engineering student who has recently joined BAE Systems on an Industrial Placement in Aerospace Engineering.



Industrial Placement in Aerospace Engineering

BAE Systems

Why did you choose a BAE Systems Industrial Placement programme?

One of my main driving factors behind choosing BAE Systems involved my family. Most of my family, including siblings, parents and grandparents, all work in some form of civil service, so I had a keen interest in working in defence. I have also been interested in engineering from a young age, having helped my Dad build a supercharged trike based on the classic Volkswagen Beetle.

After doing a lot of research on companies, BAE Systems seemed like a no brainer. After originally missing out of doing a degree apprenticeship with the company, I started an Aeronautical Engineering degree, and then applied for their 12 month industrial placement. I started in June 2024.

What’s involved in the placement?

It’s a 12 month placement, which includes three, 4 month rotations. I’m currently in my first placement which is focused on aerodynamics. As part of this, I’ve been able to work on project specific work – contributing to data sets that make an impact on real-world applications which is really exciting.

As part of these placements you can also get involved in stretch projects, which allow you to work on different initiatives through the business to help develop you and give more real-world experience in different areas.

What about location?

I’m from Nottingham so wasn’t based near any of the BAE Systems sites. However, through a family friend I was able to secure lodgings in Preston.

My role also allows me to work flexibly, so I can be on site in Preston Tuesday to Thursday, and then travel back to Nottingham that evening and I’m able to work from home Friday and Monday, meaning I can spend time with family and friends on the weekend.

What’s the support been live on your placement?

It’s been really good. Even as early as four months before starting you get a list of people you can go to for help – including your functional managers – and you get assigned a buddy as well. Everybody is really happy and willing to help when it’s needed.

There’s also such a big push for early careers at the company, so there’s also graduates in my current team that I can go to for information and advice, and bounce ideas off of.

Has anything surprised you since joining? Did you have any expectations?

I did have really high expectations, but you never know what to full expect. One that did really surprise me was the environment. There’s a obviously a lot of security measures in place, and we’re doing incredibly serious work, however behind all that it’s actually a very relaxing place to work. Everyone is there to solve a problem and work towards the same objective, and it’s really good to bounce ideas off of people.

What’s next after your placement?

I’m doing an integrated masters, and I’ve currently done my first two years. After my year’s placement, I’ll go back and finish my third year. I hope to come back to BAE Systems after this to do a summer internship before completing my final year. After this I’d like to come back either as a graduate or a direct hire.

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